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It has been scientifically proven that food that uses a person in food directly affect life expectancy, health, memory and general emotional background. No wonder the ancient eastern wisdom says: "We are what we eat." That is why it is necessary to approach your diet more picking and seriously.

In the article we will look at most useful food for good health.


Opens the rating of the most useful and necessary for human health products. The natural drink is, first of all, the source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which slow down the aging processes. The one who does not want to quickly part with beautiful and young skin use of green tea is vital. In addition, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood sugar levels, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. It is especially recommended to drink persons who spend most of the time at the computer screen, as it contains substances that are struggling with harmful radiation. It also claims that this drink contributes to the cleansing of lungs and bronchi, so it must be used by smokers.


- one of the most useful products presented to us by nature. Walnuts are particularly useful. They are a source of vegetable protein, vitamin C, as well as iodine and vitamin B. With regular eating nuts, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is sharply reduced, the work of the thyroid gland is normalized, brain activity is stimulated. They also affect the nervous system, removing the tension. In particular, the use of walnuts recommend people having problems with memory, sleep and predisposed to stress.


It is the most real storehouse of vitamins. The use of the bee product is difficult to overestimate. Its regular use increases the immune system, and the body becomes less susceptible to various diseases. It strengthens the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also contributes to raising the female libido. In addition, honey is able to normalize sleep and remove the morning lethargy, as it is a natural energy. People suffering from the diseases of the respiratory system, in the absence of allergies, it should be used every day. Everything else, the regular use of this product increases life expectancy.


It is no coordinate to the most useful food products - they are one of the main sources of protein, which is extremely necessary for a person, especially the growing organism. Recent mistakes that the eggs are "polluted" by cholesterol vessels, scientists have denied, as cholesterol, which they contain is not delayed in the body. This product, on the contrary, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as the formation of thromboms. It has been proven that regular use of chicken eggs reduces the risk of breast cancer and protect the eyes from the appearance of cataracts. A day is recommended to use no more than 1-2 pieces.


Recommended must be included in their diet, as they are the source of easily digestible vegetable protein. Bean, in particular, peas, contain in its composition of iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, as well as iodine and even vitamin C. In addition to all the listed items, in the pea contains the vitamins of the B group that is responsible for the nervous system, as well as the lysine necessary to people with the problems of the cardiovascular system. In the diseases of the thyroid gland, legumes must be included in their diet. In addition, they are recommended to regularly use with overweight, as they burn fat. In antiquity, Hippocrates used peas for the treatment of many diseases.


It is one of the most useful animal products. Proteins that it contains easily absorbed by the body. In particular, maritime fish, abundant with fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and iron. These trace elements are responsible for everything vital important functions The organism is simply not to do with people who care about their health. Fatty acids are able to reduce cholesterol content, vessel thrombosis prevent and reduce the risk of infarction to 50%. Therefore, marine fish is recommended to eat up to 3 times a week.


Must be included in the human diet. This group includes milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, cheese, etc. Milk and cottage cheese are enriched with protein and easily digestible fats. In addition, in its composition they have calcium, which is responsible for the bone and nervous system. That is why cottage cheese and milk must be used both adults and children. Yogurts and kefir contribute to healthy digestion and restore the intestinal microflora. The daily reception of glass of fermented fermented dairy products is much reduced by the probability of sick of the stomach cancer.


Are an integral product of those who want to feel good for long years. We include brown rice, Hercules, wholegrain bread, etc. The value of these food crops is the fiber that they contain. The coarse fibers of whole grain cleans the intestines than the operation of the digestive system normalizes. Regular use of cereals significantly reduces the risk of intestinal cancer. In addition, cereals are struggling with elevated cholesterol, blood sugar and obesity.


It includes the top three of the most useful health products, since they are the worst enemies of oncological diseases. They are recommended to use in any form: in the fresh, in the form of sauces, paste, soups. Tomatoes contain a huge amount of alicopine, which suppresses the formation of cancer cells. With regular use of this vegetable culture, the body begins to produce in large quarotinoids in a large number of carotenoids - they are struggling with accumulation of carcinogens in the body.


From early childhood, we know that milk and fermented milk products - an integral component healthy nutrition. It is difficult to find a person who would not hear the benefits of milk and a variety of dairy products. However, each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. This is especially true for milk, which many nutritionists do not advise consuming adult people, arguing their recommendations by the fact that in adulthood, it is poorly absorbed. We offer together with the site to familiarize yourself with the most popular representatives of an extensive dairy family and learn to choose the most useful of them.

Need adults to drink milk

Perhaps it will be fair to start our overview of the most useful dairy products from their basis - ordinary milk, which in last years It took the place of the least useful dairy product. The theory was widely distributed, according to which the milk was declared a product completely unsuitable for an adult diet. It is believed that adults do not need to drink milk due to the lack of special enzymes in their body needed to absorb this product. Is it really?

Milk, even subjected to sterilization, retains many valuable vitamins. It serves as a source:
· Vitamin A needed in order to maintain visual sharpness and healthy skin type;
· Vitamin D ensuring the strength of bone tissue and protecting from harmful to ultraviolet radiation;
· Vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is necessary for women during pregnancy, as well as those who care about the good color of the face and strong muscles.
Why is it for people who oversail a thirty-year frontier, milk falls into the category of useless and even harmful products? Probably, the secret lies in lactose intolerance - milk sugar. However, such a feature of the body is already manifested in early age And refers to genetically determined issues that cannot be changed with age, since we have from birth. And therefore, if you like milk and transport this product well - Drink on health!

On store shelves, we usually meet milk:
· Pasteurized, preserving maximum useful qualities - not only the entire set of vitamins, but a significant part of the microorganisms necessary for us;
· Sterilized, which, having retained most of the vitamins, alas, loses the microflora, both useful and harmful;
· Restored, which you can quickly get in your kitchen if you dust with dry milk water. Unfortunately, neither vitamins nor mineral substances will be found in it.

A little about the benefits of old good kefir

Sometimes it begins to seem that among the multicolored packs of yoghurts and various dairy desserts, our old good kefir moved a little on the background. And completely in vain!

In kefir, familiar to everyone since childhood, a fairly high calcium and phosphorus content that we need for:
· Maintain the required composition and restoration of bone tissue and dental enamel;
· Normal work of the central nervous system, since without them it is impossible to form the brain cells and the transfer of nerve impulses;
· Normalization of metabolism.

In addition, kefir contains the required amount of organic acids that are needed to absorb these mineral substances.

Kefir is an excellent dietary product, but its shelf life is limited, and therefore be sure to pay attention to the date when it is produced.

Many consider kefir best tool Mock the night hunger, because it's not so many calories. However, it should be noted that this product contains substances that can affect exciting or provoke insomnia.

Oily milk products: benefits or harm

Perhaps you noticed that the use of all degreased was the real trend of our time? We, now and then urge to abandon the use of butter, cream, sour cream and even the cottage cheese choose exclusively low. Is it dangerous for health use of these products?

Let's start, perhaps, from butter, because it is more often betrayed by Anathema. We will not argue, this product is really very caloriene and it is really distinguished by a high cholesterol content. However, the oil contains lecithin, which regulates the fat exchange in the body and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. So, the full rejection of the butter has nothing to do with the principles of healthy nutrition.

Another, incredibly useful fermented milk product - sour cream, contains even more phospholipids needed to us (of the very lecithin), but it has a lower cholesterol content, and, of course, lower fatty.

It should be noted that the fats contained in this product are not refractory, they are in a fragmented state and are quite easily absorbed by the organism in a complex with organic acids. Smetane helps:
· Restore appetite after a long disease;
· Enhances the bile separation;
· Normalizes stool.
Another, no less useful dairy product, which you can replace too calorie butterare cream. They are characterized by lower cholesterol and phospholipid content, but they have less calorie.

Cottage cheese is the favorite product of all nutritionists. With low caloric content, it contains a sufficient amount of lipotropic substances that normalize lipid exchange. That is why the use of cottage cheese helps prevent atherosclerosis and obesity of the liver.

With a huge number of advantages of cottage cheese, he, alas, will not be able to full extent Fill the lack of proteins that are contained in meat, since the body will test the lack of vitamin B6.

Solid cheeses to help immunity

A wide variety of solid cheeses are incredibly popular worldwide. We love there are cheese with bread and without, we can serve to a refined guilt or, on an ambulance hand, make yourself a delicious and satisfying sandwich for breakfast. In addition, many believe that cheese is a completely safe snack, which can be perfectly satisfied with hunger before bedtime. What is true here, and what about the discharge of delusions?

How other dairy products, cheeses contain calcium and phosphorus. but distinctive feature Solid cheeses is the high content of proteins and fats. The presence of dairy proteins is a factor that helps to strengthen the organism immune protection. And therefore a piece of cheese, eaten by day or in the morning, will only benefit us.

But for dinner, and even more so snack, before bedtime, cheese is not desirable: it has too many calories. In addition, the high fat content will negatively affect your liver. If you love cheeses, in the afternoon, give preference to cheeses with the smallest content of fat: for example, cheese or feta.

Yogurts: live or not very

A variety of yogurts, as well as desserts based on them, are our time by real favorites of producers of dairy products. In this case, often the name of the product is accompanied by the definition of "alive". Such a product must optimize the microflora composition living in the intestine. The presence of "correct" microorganisms contributes to the normal digestion of food and the formation of our immune defense.
How to choose really useful product? First of all, refer to the inscriptions on the label. If the proposed product wears the proud name of the dairy dessert, you can be sure that the useful microorganisms will not be found in it.

In addition, a lot of product storage can be said quite a lot. If it is too long, this suggests that the product has been susceptible to heat treatment or contains preservatives, and therefore it is most likely not able to please the presence of useful bacteria. The most likelihood of meeting precisely such a product among yogurts containing fruit fillers.

So, what to choose among dairy products to get not only pleasure, but also the maximum benefit from their use? Yes, and is it possible to abandon a small piece of oil in a caress, cooked for breakfast, or spoons sour cream in a plate of fiery boards? Today, thanks to the stunning diversity, we have an excellent opportunity to eat daily dairy products daily, not at risking with something one. What else will help to make a diet correctly, and from which products it is still worth forgetting once and for all, read on

I will tell you what milk product is the most useful. You will learn what kind of fermented product - universal for the intestine. What enhances immunity and establishes the work of the liver, and which will help from constipation. Go!

Hi friends!
It is impossible to talk about the right food - and silent about fermented milk products. Around them real battles thunder. What rating to believe? Some believe that "from all diseases of all useful" ordinary kefir. Other praise Ryazhka. Third argue that it is better not to take it in your mouth ... How to determine what milk product is the most useful? I propose not to rely on other people's opinions, but to include logic and go on a little journey. So!

Tale about Kefyrycha, grandmother rippled, well done varenz and other ...

Collected once Kufyrych all his sour milk relatives, and says:

- Apparently, invisibly it became on the stores shop! How to understand people that it is useful to them, and what - no?

"The task is not an easy," agreed with the eldest rhodes of Liya Well done-Varets, and crossed his hands on his mighty breast. - What do you suggest?

- Let's choose the king! Let it be the first one, suitable for all occasions.

"Choose, if the hunt came," the foreign agent yogurt thought, children and women's favorites, hiding her eyes for dark glasses. - I still will be in winning. Me most on the shelves. Over my imaging a lot of specialists work. You do not surpass me! " But tall out loud ...

We are sober - it means the best

What to drink: milk or sour milk?

Milk - the product is unique, everything is in it for life and health. But in adult people it can digest badly. We need assistants - live bacteria that processes milk sugar, with the formation of lactic acid.

- We are clean products, one sour milk fermentation! Both prokobovashi (and Mesnikovskaya, and simple), Varen, Ryazhenka and Yogurt came out. - Only use in us, and we do not contain alcohol.

- And I'm better than everyone! - It was notified by Prostokvasha. "I myself once turned out, and since then they drink me, healthy and rejoice." In me - useful lactococci and thermophilic streptococci. They destroy harmful microbes and help grow useful. And in my Mesnik Related, the Bulgarian wand! Great scholar swords believed that she prolongs life.

- So what? - Burn the yogurt. - In me, everything is the same.

- You, brother, enemies of the human body have been recruited. Touch, when flavors are fusing in you, dyes are all sorts, pieces of fruit frozen and useless. Starch for smoothness, emulsifiers are harmful. Then in a beautiful wrapper - and on the shelf!

Embarrassed yogurt. He was a guy honest if he was completely removed from him. And useful no less than everyone else.
Ryazhenka and Varets contained only thermophilic streptococci, and differed that it was produced from the fuel milk, and it is from sterilized. The benefits of them were no less than, but in the composition of the vitamins and minerals and they could claim the championship.

What milk product is the most useful? And with yeast - useful

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Kefirch decided to be offended.

- What are we worse? - He said asidophiline, Kumsu and other double fermentation products. - We contain not only bacteria, but also fungi. In kefir, for example, yeast, lactic chopsticks and streptococcal bacteria. I am useful to the elderly. I am also a wagon for the intestine: on the first day, and then, than it becomes stronger, I stop diarrhea diarrhea.

Acidoofilin contains a useful and unique acidophilic wand, lactococci and the same kefir fungi. Kumys - a drink made of mare milk, for us less familiar, but in it except two more types of sticks: Bulgarian and acidophilic.

Better than us there is no one! We enhance and build work. And the fact that the kefirchik is harmful to the kids up to the year - does not mean that we cannot be the most universal and do not deserve the royal title!
True, with a kefir, it is necessary to be careful, because it is an acid of others like it.

What milk product is the most useful: for power and health

The modest sour cream wanted to be silent, but could not stand it.

- And you know that I am a real Slavic product! - she said. - I have time impertons on Russia. The ancestors took the cream and kept them with lactic acid bacteria. In me, organic acids, important for digestion and normal operation of the internal organs, and trace elements. My properties help in exhaustion, after heavy diseases. Is I not worthy of the title of the best?

- Listen to you - all of you are good. And stimulate, and thirst quench, and treat the stomach, and the balance of microflora is restored, and give calcium with potassium and magnesium, and vitamins. But on the store shelves it is necessary to deal not only with the number of microorganisms, and also with those living you are products, or not alive.

For storage on dairy products, products are sterilized, killing useful microorganisms in them. Storage time is lengthened, but benefits are destroyed.
Restored milk and cream powder - this is no longer use, the bacteria grow badly and incorrectly.

You still need to know that the more additives - the worse. A real live product must have milk and start-up, and stored for only a few days.

Finally, made in the total chane and spilled by packages and banks, the dairy product can gain extra microorganisms from the air, and the process in it will go wrong. Best is the thermostat when the milk poured in advance on the jars, put the start-up - and straight in them squash. But such a miracle is more expensive and not for everyone to pocket. How to be?

The best of the best

Choosing a fermented milk product, adhere to simple rules:

  1. see the composition (the more ingredients - the worse);
  2. check the shelf life (long-term - it means the dead, the benefit will not be);
  3. the presence of any "e" inside the jar is not to buy a reason.

Honestly add: King of products - the one that we will prepare themselves , at home. All fermented source is useful, we select them individually, drink with pleasure and benefit. Who likes what.

The main thing is our assistant to be organic, natural, and certainly alive. For the health and well-established work of our body, bacteria, and kefir fungi, and vitamins are needed. It will help us with a live start and high-quality milk, and a little of our work. I think now to the question: "What milk product is the most useful?" - you know the answer.

And then the king of fermented milk products will settle on our home shelf! The correct one that will serve us - to their people, as it should be the real king.

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Many years ago, people already knew about everyone useful properties milk and fermented milk products. They were used in food and were used for cosmetics. All the "utility" of lactic acid products do not count, but we will try to do it.

Consider each product individually and identify the best and most useful product with lactic acid bacteria. So, what milk products are the most useful for health, let's find out.

The benefits of fermented organism

What is an acidic product and how to produce it?

All are known to the benefits of milk for the body, though some people are contraindicated with lactose and it is forbidden to use milk in its pure form. In addition, calcium, phosphorus and other elements made of milk are poorly absorbed.

This means that people are allergic to milk, is it possible to eat fervent products in this case? In such people and everything else, it is simply necessary to include in their diet of the milk, it is easily absorbed and does not contain sugar, lactose.

How do acidic raw materials get, and what kind of varieties has a useful milk product?

All fermented milk products are obtained by fermentation of boiled milk with the addition of concentrate of lactic acid bacteria. As you can see, this is a natural process and many of you are probably familiar with the taste of sour milk. Previously, acidic milk was obtained due to hopelessness - milk in warm conditions it was simply no place to store.

And now, knowing how much acidic product is more useful, some still do not introduce it into the diet every day, and in vain. The taste of the acidic product with the addition of useful microorganisms is somewhat different, sour - sweet, and the consistency becomes thicker.

Is it possible to purchase fermented milk products in the store?

The real milk product always has a sour taste, but not sweet. This speaks of improper processing and fermentation of the source product.

Most often it happens - we acquire yogurt on store shelves, in addition to this, various preservatives are added. In this case, most of those bacteria are lost, about which we are speaking, and the benefits of fermented fermented products also.

Make a useful yogurt is now easier than simple at home, the main thing to discard laziness and the reluctance to do something yourself. It is prepared both in yogurtnitsa, and simply in the tank and put in a warm place. The next day is ready for a wonderful useful, incomparable yoghurt store.

Kinging such yogurts every day, you can get rid of many diseases, especially this is important if there are children in the family and for them is a delicious and useful dish.

Varieties of ferocular products:

  1. Products that are formed by faving milk and the disintegration (coagulation of casein) it is on flakes. That is, milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, so the sour taste is necessarily present. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, acidophilic, yogurts, ryazhenka and prokobvash.
  2. Mixed fermentation products - lactic acid and alcohol . Such products include kefir, koumiss, mazoni, as well as bifox, in which probiotic culture is added in addition.

In the second case, alcohol, carbon dioxide, acid is produced together with breast cancer from sugar. All this even more enhances food digestion when eating such products.

The share of alcohol is so small that does not affect the person - approximately 0.07%. But for children, very small kefir is not recommended for use, it is advisable to replace it with natural yoghurts to be replaced by its natural yoghurts.

To whom first is shown to drink kefir, there are cottage cheese and why are acidic products useful? For people with overweight, after all, it is their dangerous diabetes that is concerned that the increased blood pressure is concerned. It is for them that the milk is the most valuable.

Proved - after establishing kefir diet Feelings appear to a bird's flight - ease in the body and ease in the shower.

The most useful dairy products are considered to be kefir, Maceni, a savory yogurt. It is desirable to buy products in a glass container or tetrapak (cardboard boxes), and not in plastic.

What milk products are useful for the intestine

We all know that the useful products for the intestines are a great set, among them cereal, vegetables and fruits, nuts, bread from coarse grinding.

Are acidic products for intestines? Of course - yes, because they contain special microorganisms for cleansing the intestine. Support the body in a healthy state is not difficult, it is enough to include products obtained by fermentation in the diet.

All processes in the body depend on the health of the thin and large intestine. We daily use various foods, any additives, all this should be excreted from the body, and only useful is absorbed. But not always, life products are removed, starting to be absorbed into organs and accumulate there toxins. It is the fermented bacteria that take all the work on itself and remove everything harmful, which is accumulated inside.

Usually, a balance between useful bacteria and malicious chopsticks is observed in the human body. This is achieved by the daily consumption of useful products.

If the problems are concerned - constipation, diarrhea and meteorism, most likely the problem can be solved quickly by adding kefir or yogurt to the diet. These products derive carcinogens from the body, reduce cholesterol.

What milk product is the most useful for the intestine?

It happens that a person suffers from rash, constipation at the same time, then a special analysis for useful bacteria is surrendered. It determine whether there is no dysbacteriosis (imbalance) in the intestine.

The doctor determines which bacteria the smallest amount and prescribes special yogurts and kefir, which, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, also contain streptococci and acidophilic stick (lactobacteria), bifidobacteria.

In the title of such products, the prefix - bio usually indicate, they are considered very useful in the presence of dysbiosis in the intestine. Such kefirchikov, during the course of treatment, regulate the ratio of useful and harmful bacteria (pathogenic flora) and the person is faster recover.

Is it possible to eat fervent products with allergies?Since fermented milk products no longer contain lactose - it is split and sugar is also there at least there, with any form of allergies, fervent products can be eaten and even needed.

IN rare cases Allergies can manifest itself on the protein contained in the sour chopper. Such intolerance can manifest itself in young children by age up to 3 years, and it is worth consulting with a pediatrician.

Very useful fermented dairy products

Kefir and its properties

Use of fermented milk products

As we have said, kefir is a product of mixed fermentation and the most useful fermented dairy product. Kefir contains a unique set of trace elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, bacteria and mushrooms. The most useful egg product kefir (classic) should have per 100 grams of the product.

  • Proteins - at least 3 grams
  • Fats - 2.5%
  • Acidness normally - 85-130 ° T

The benefits of one-day kefir is fully justified for each person. But it is worth noting that kefir can accumulate as part of alcohol, and more precisely increase its percentage of storage.

This is certainly minimal doses, but the longer kefir idle after cooking, the more alcohol-containing elements in it. Therefore, you need to use kefir immediately after cooking, it is especially important for children.

Useful properties of dairy products. Kefir

Kefir is useful for anemia, dysbacteriosis, rickets, with allergies to food products, and even when inflammation of the lungs. This is a product of all losing weight and those who want to support themselves in shape. Because he, unlike milk, digested for half an hour, and for all 90%.

At the same time, the digestion is settled, the appetite improves, and kefir at that time is disinfecting the intestine. By the way, it is considered a global antiseptic and an antibiotic for the body.

Also Efficiency product contributes to a better absorption of useful vitamins throughout the day, calcium, iron, vitamin D. All of this you get from dining dishes, breakfast and dinner . And it will help in this cup of kefir before eating.

That is why kefir at the afternoon person is considered more efficient and useful than any tablets, nutritional supplements that people try to consume to do anything.

With Kefir, you can generally refuse drugs, because its benefits are much out of harm. But there is also contraindications to the use of the product.

Is it possible to use fermented milk products with increased acidity of the stomach? You need to drink with caution. Also, if you suffer the disorder of the stomach, the use of more glasses per day can lead to even greater problems.

Is fermental food products (kefir) with pancreatitis? In such a disease, it is impossible to use a kefir, it can be replaced by Rodvaya. Unless of course choose the start-up of excellent quality and with the smallest shelf life.

And the last contraindication - if you need to concentrate - you are traveling for an exam or an important meeting - a glass of kefir ne. the best wayto cheer up because it relaxes the body more. It is better to drink a glass of juice for this purpose.

What is useful to start a sour milk product?

Relatively new product on store shelves - leaven, I recently appeared, but already gathered admirers around myself. Some people doubt - is it worth a kefir to replace Rodskaya, what is useful in it and how does it act on the body?

We answer - under the expiration date for a few days (not a month!) Razvash contains maximum beneficial bacteria, including acidophilic wand and other useful microorganisms.

Explosive benefits for children

If you want to know the truth - it is better than kefir several times, because it has low acidity. Therefore, it is allowed to drink small children, as well as those who suffer from gastritis and pancreatitis. Used in the treatment of allergies, removes toxins, strengthens the immunity and fights insomnia.


The traditional dish of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are obtained from the bustling milk (cow) with the addition of Streptococcal and Bulgarian sticks. In essence, this kind of yogurt. Only without taste additives. It is absorbed by the drink much better and faster than bustling milk, and the vitamins contain a whole set: C, RR, A, B, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

Drinking one a glass of ryazhenka, you can replenish your body by calcium by a quarter of a daily rate, and phosphorus by 20%. In addition, the protein in it is absorbed faster than the whole milk protein. These are fermented milk products, the benefits of which are obvious and harm is also available. Contraindications - stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity.

Cottage cheese

Fresh cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is formed by driving milk and gradual seizure of serum. Classic, fat, low fat, low-fat - what curd you prefer? Each of these species is useful in its own way.

For diabetics - Fully low fat, for allergies - low-fat, well, people who do not suffer these diseases are classic. There is also cottage cheese with additives - raisins, kuraga, calcined - enriched with calcium.

The most useful product rich in protein, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins PP, C, B2, B1. Urges cottage cheese very easily, with the fattest cottage cheese at 100 grams, there is a calorie content of only 226 calories. Therefore, cottage cheese is used in diets and shown by people fat, with liver diseases, hypertensive, during atherosclerosis. In other words, cottage cheese literally dissolves fats in the body.

Use of fermented milk products for children and adults

Cottage cheese strengthens the bone system, cartilage cloth, raises hemoglobin, and also positively affects the human nervous system. Especially useful cottage cheese, women and older people.

Since the female organism often loses calcium and it is they who need to restore this balance in time, as well as strengthen their hair and nails. Elderly often suffer from lack of calcium, and it is needed for children to grow.

The benefits and harm of cheese

If you are a fan of cheese - this is good, but everything is fine - in moderation. The fact is that solid varieties of cheeses are fatten enough and contain many calories. Naturally, the cheese lover can take up to 200 grams to 200 grams at a time, and this overlaps the daily dose of the norm, additionally postponing on your sides. Sorry, which deviated from the topic ... But we should say about it.

There is also this product its advantages - these are real storeroom calcium, protein, tryptophan, lysine, phosphorus and zinc. The use of solid varieties of cheese contributes to strengthening the bone system, prevents caries, and soft varieties such as feta, mozzarella contribute to a good sleep.

Dieties are white cheesesAnd they are no less tasty. This is non-fat varieties of Ricotta, Mascarpone, Camembert, and other varieties, they are great for diets and cooking various dishes.


Homemade yogurt

Bulgaria is considered to be the birthplace of yogurt, since it was there that the first yogurts containing the Bulgarian wand and Zakawas were manufactured. To this day, the tradition of natural yogurt is saved. That product that is sold on store shelves with us, in Bulgaria is not considered yogurt.

In our production technologies, it is permissible to add pectin, thickeners, sweeteners, and so on to the product. Well, thanks to preservatives, many vitamins are lost, but the shelf life is preserved.

Make yoghurt, like Bulgarian, can be at home. The use of such yogurt will bring much benefit.

Matsun (Marty) - Traditional dish of Armenia and Georgia, it is honored, like bread. And the Caucasian long-livers use Maconi every day and more raise. This intermediary product is similar to yogurt. Prepare it from cow, buffalo, goat or sheep milk.

Moreover, in the Armenian national cuisine, their preparation methods and in the finished yogurt prevails an acidophilic wand. In Georgia, the Maceon is preparing a little differently, and the final product is enriched with a Bulgarian stick.

Acid product "Snowball", benefits

"Snow" is an effortless drink, which was produced in the USSR and was very loved by the inhabitants. He is preparing to rock the pure Bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococci. Plus, sugar or berry syrups have traditionally added to this composition.

The benefits of snow in the establishment of the work of the digestive system, the excretion of slags from the body, strengthen the immune system.It's all about cooking technology - it is the same as the Bulgarian yogurt, except with the addition of natural fruit-berry syrups.

Is it possible to eat fermented milk products when taking antibiotics?

When antibiotics treatment occurs - the body is experiencing shock, all bacteria are digested in the gastrointestinal tract. And the whole body suffers from this. To immediately fill it with useful bacteria, probiotics can not only be used, but also vital. The best are yogurts containing lacto and bifido bacteria without preservatives and sweeteners, as well as kefir.

Is it possible to nursing fermented milk products? Of course, a nursing mother is recommended to use fermented milk products - this is an important element of the preservation of lactation! It is preferable to choose high-quality cottage cheese, bifox yogurt, but kefir and koumiss contain some percentage of alcohol, so you have to be careful with them.

A liter of such a product will harm the baby, but the glass per day will only benefit. The kid and mom will strengthen the joints, hair, the growth of nails will increase, immunity will strengthen.

Is acidic food at temperatures? At this question, the answer is unambiguous - kefir, starters and yogurts are very useful at temperatures.

First, at temperatures, the body needs to eat, but appetite as such is not, and fermented dairy products in this case best friends. Secondly, the body will spend energy not to digest food, but to restore, which leads to the early recovery of the patient and a decrease in body temperature.

Is acidic products in post? The goal of the post is to clear the body from the entire carnival and submit to the Holy Spirit. That is, all the products of animal origin, including proteins, are excluded from the diet, naturally and dairy products. But it should be remembered - the post is not torture the body as a whole, so there is a list of people who are forbidden to fast, it is:

  • Pregnant and Nursing Moms
  • Patients and people after surgery

With prostate adenoma, fermented milk products are useful And very effective. They have a lightweight reduction effect and are equipped with lacto and bifido by the bacteria, the necessary organism to deal with the ailment. Adenoma Prostate is a benign tumor, the treatment of which requires a special diet and this diet should include yogurts and prostrip necessarily.

Equality products are products made from cow's milk or goat. This product group has its own distinctive features: In the process of preparation, useful lactic acid microorganisms specifically act on the components of milk (proteins, milk sugar, vitamins), forming the easily-friendly connections that are also. What milk product is the most useful?

Equality products include cheese, cottage cheese and fermented drinks.

Equal milk drinks.

Equality drinks contain living lactic acid bacteria. These beneficial bacteria synthesize vitamins, reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines, contribute to the advancement of food by intestines. In addition, they contain minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins (especially dairy products are famous for the large content of group B), amino acids.

Equality drinks include:

What milk product is the most useful?

  1. Kefir. It differs from other beverages by the presence of 5 types of bacteria. These include: acetic-acid, lactic acid streptococci, lactic acid sticks, aroma-forming streptococci and yeast. Kefir has a sharp taste of other drinks, due to the activity of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.
  2. Prostokvasha is an fervent drink made from a cow's milk with the use of frights from the thermophilic streptococcus and the Bulgarian stick. It has high biological and nutritional value. Compared with kefir, it is less sour, so in small quantities you can use people with increased acidity of gastric juice. Prostokvasha has a gentle clutch with a pleasant weakly acidic taste.
  3. Varets and Ryazhenka are varieties of prokobyvashi. They differ from Prostokvashi, the fact that the milk will first tomatify, and then climb. In the process of fat milk, melanoidic compounds are formed, which give the product the taste of foam milk and brown color.
  4. Yogurts are drinks that contain different fruit fillers, dyes, flavors and other additives. Not all yogurts contain live bacteria.
  5. Acidofilin is the product is obtained by fermentation of a cow's milk with an acidophilic chopstick in combination with lactic acid microorganisms. It has a sour taste.
  6. Bifox is an effortless drink made from a cow's milk with the addition of swarming with bifidobacteriums and lactic acid microorganisms. Recently, this drink has become very popular. Bifidobacteria reduces the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria in the intestine of a person. Only it is still not known which part of the bifidobacteria contained in the beverages is in the intestines, as the acidic stomach environment kills them.
  7. Ayran is a cold drink that represents a mixture of sour milk with water.

Cottage cheese.

Equality products include cottage cheese - this is a protein product. It contains a large number of indispensable amino acids in an easily-friendly form. Cottage cheese degreased use as a dietary product in obesity, as well as nursing and pregnant women, and children. The benefit of cottage cheese is difficult to overestimate.

Cheese- This is a high-caloric protein product. Due to the content of a large amount of fat, it is recommended to eat no more than 20g cheese per day. It contains a lot of salt, which is harmful in large quantities for our body. Excess sodium and chlorine causes edema, increase blood pressure.

Equality products should be present in the diet of each person, unless of course there are no contraindications, so they contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, living cultures of microorganisms.

Perhaps an unequivocal answer to the question: what kind of milk product is the most useful? not. For each age, even for each person you need to choose your milk product. For children 1 year is useful kefir and cottage cheese. In the diet, quotes, schoolchildren and adolescents must contain all the ferocular products: kefir, acidophilic, cottage cheese, cheese.

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