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At what age will it happen without tears and tantrums? What methods of weaning do experts recommend?

According to the recommendations of the world health organization, up to 6 months, a breastfed baby does not need other food and water. But there comes a time when mother's milk is no longer enough for the normal development of his body. So, in the baby's diet appears, and then full-fledged meals - he switches to "adult" nutrition. At this time, many mothers have a question: when and how to stop breastfeeding, how to choose the right time?

At what age to stop breastfeeding

Modern pediatricians, psychologists, breastfeeding consultants advise feeding the baby as long as possible, but up to a reasonable age limit. Usually referred to as a year and a half, less often - up to two years. Some mothers continue breastfeeding even further - up to 3-4 years old, fearing to interrupt such a close physical and psychological connection with their child.

According to opinion polls, among mothers, it is considered optimal to wean a baby at the age when he is already physiologically and emotionally ready to be left without mother's milk, that is, about a year. Many women stop breastfeeding by the first birthday of the child, citing the fact that:

  • the child already eats "adult" food completely, of course, with certain restrictions;
  • in breast milk, the level of essential vitamins and protective substances decreases;
  • they just got tired of feeling like a "milk factory".

However, consultants advise not to stop breastfeeding, if possible, up to 1.5-2 years, since the composition of milk changes in accordance with the growing up of the baby and contains useful materialnecessary at this age.

For some mothers, the process of weaning a baby from the breast is almost imperceptible and painless, and for some, the child does not agree with this decision and expresses his protest against the maternal arbitrariness. The process of weaning is much easier if by this period the mother has reduced the number of breastfeeding times to 1-2 times a day, leaving only feeding at night and early in the morning, and the baby "does not eat the breast" during the day. The mother's body has gradually reduced milk production, the breast does not "swell". In this case, it is enough for the baby to sleep next to another family member for a couple of nights, apart from the mother. What are the advantages of this method:

  • the baby will not smell breast milk;
  • dad or grandmother will be able to calm him down, shaking him, giving him a drink of water, compote;
  • a woman does not have to be torn between the desire to breastfeed and the decision to stop breastfeeding.

If the baby is used to drinking his mother's milk every meal, abrupt weaning from it can cause negative reactions, up to and including hysteria. In this case, the weaning system works differently. It is necessary for some time to first remove the daytime breastfeeding, switching the baby's attention from the breast to delicious juice, compote, and only then remove the nighttime ones.

Some mothers still decide to abruptly stop feeding, leaving the baby in the care of a grandmother or another relative for several days. During this time, not seeing the mother, the baby "forgets" about the breast and stops constantly asking for her. If a woman decides to stop breastfeeding abruptly, in order to avoid breast problems, it is necessary:

  1. reduce the amount of fluid you drink during the day;
  2. limit the consumption of hot food;
  3. wearing a tight bra;
  4. avoid stagnant milk and lumps in the breast, pumping a little to relieve the soreness of swollen breasts.

Weaning: folk signs

Weaning is the breaking of the thread in the "umbilical cord" that psychologically binds mother and child. On this occasion, there are several popular recommendations and prohibitions, the most famous of which are:

  • it is impossible to wean the child from the breast in summer, winter, early spring, in fasting;
  • feeding cannot be resumed after breastfeeding.

Why can't you resume feeding? A popular omen says that after that the child will become "eye-witted", that is, he can "jinx" other people. Perhaps such a sign appeared in order to avoid a negative effect on the psyche of the child and the mother when feeding again and subsequent weaning.

It is more understandable why you should not stop breastfeeding in the summer - milk protects the child from all sorts of intestinal infections, in winter - from viruses, in early spring - from beriberi. According to popular beliefs, one should not wean from the breast in fasting - "the child will be hungry all his life", in early spring, when the trees are still "bare" - "the child will be naked like a falcon all his life."

The people used to have certain traditions of weaning a baby from the mother's breast. It was recommended to do this during a religious holiday, for example, on Maundy Thursday before Easter. The kid was given a crust of bread with salt and said: "Go to your own bread, so that it may be rich, big, like this holy bread."

And of course, every woman has the right to independently decide when to stop breastfeeding, focusing on her own well-being, the emotional state and health of the child.


horrible, uninformative article based on signs and religious beliefs, 21st century in the yard ...

04/12/2019 10:42:30, Antonina78

We started complementary foods like this:
At five months, you can juice 40-50ml. , Fruit puree 40-50g. , Vegetable puree 10-100g. I did this at 6.00 - mixture or milk
10.00 - milk or mixture + fruit puree
14.00 - milk or mixture + juice
18.00 - Vegetable puree + juice
22.00 - mixture or milk
But to introduce juices and purees gradually and by the end of the month one feeding can be replaced with puree with juice. For the first couple of days I cooked the porridge myself, but the child sprinkled it, and then only on the Matern's porridge they grew. We buy through baby1care. We take the mixture in the same place) At six months, I added porridge and cottage cheese for breakfast and increased the volume for dinner.

Comment on the article "How to wean a baby from breastfeeding: practical advice"

How to wean a baby from breastfeeding? (continued). When is weaning a baby contraindicated? According to WHO statistics, a woman who gave birth and breastfeed (up to about 2 years) three children is practically insured against breast cancer.

Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills. How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice.

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice. HOW to wean a baby at 1.2. Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household ...

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice. How to stop breastfeeding. Weaning: folk signs... Breastfeeding is a special period in the life of mom and baby. Advise how to wean from the breast painlessly and in ...

If you decide to wean a baby between the ages of 1 and 2, you have to act How to wean your baby from breastfeeding? (continued continuation).

weaning (pills). Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness ...

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning. How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice. Breastfeeding: How To Stop Lactation And Wean Your Baby From ...

Weaning. Breast-feeding. child 1.4, I want to wean off slowly, but the child is fanatically sucking. I tried to gradually remove the feeding during the day - it does not work ...

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice. I also heard that pediatricians advise you to do this: if you are a year old It is a little strange that you weaned a baby from a pacifier earlier than from a breast. I wonder if not a single mother is weaning a baby ...

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, feeding on demand, prolonged hepatitis B Section: Weaning (weaning from breastfeeding in a year and a half). How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice.

Chest hurts after weaning. Weaning. Breast-feeding. Exactly one week after weaning, my chest began to ache. Moreover, they were excommunicated at a respectable age - 2.2 ...

Weaning. Breast-feeding. Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning.

Breast-feeding. Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning.

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning. Section: Weaning (Help with advice on how to wean a baby (9 months) from breastfeeding at night, and what to give instead of breastfeeding?)

Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development Girls, please share how to wean a child from the breast? We are 1.2. Allergy sufferers. How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice.

weaning ... :-( How long can this nightmare last? Baby 1g5m, sucked only to fall asleep and at night, like a pacifier. On the fourth night, the baby wakes up every hour (as he used to suck ...

weaning. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Breast-feeding. Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B ...

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding: practical advice. The child needs the mother's milk. Small. But over time, it is necessary to wean the baby from breastfeeding ... when Girls, please share how to wean the baby from breastfeeding?

weaning. tell me, plz, when and how to finish breastfeeding. my friend's boy is a year and 2 months old, breastfed only at night, but every hour ...

Depositphotos / SedovaY

Weaning a child from the breast is one of the key moments in the development of a baby, but it is at this stage that the largest number of mistakes occurs, the consequences of which are not just stress in the child, but even nervous disorders. Therefore, among the most popular questions posed by young mothers is how to wean a baby and not harm him.

Reasons for stopping breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can take years, and not all mothers are ready to withstand such a long period. Long-term feeding can negatively affect general condition nurses: fatigue appears, both physiological and moral, breast tenderness may occur, as a result of the bites of an already strengthened baby, an irritable state during the feeding period, dizziness, etc. The kid can no longer only eat, but also simply "hang" on his mother's chest, he deliberately grabs incorrectly and simply indulges. Mom may be guided by other reasons, the consequence of which are attempts to stop breastfeeding the baby:

  • going to work;
  • business trip;
  • illness and medication.

When can we wean from breastfeeding and what period is less traumatic for a young mother and her crumbs? If urgency does not matter, experts from the World Health Organization advise starting weaning from breastfeeding at 1.5-2 years and here's why:

  • up to 12 months - breast milk is the main food of the newborn, despite the introduction of complementary foods;
  • up to 24 months - the main source of vitamin and mineral complexes, which are responsible for the formation of strong immunity. Also, enzymes contained in mother's milk affect the successful absorption of complementary foods.

If a mother is psychologically ready to wean her growing baby, breastfeeding experts give the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, morning feedings are removed, then daytime feedings and, lastly, night feedings. This will make it easier for the child.
  2. In no case should you minimize contact with the baby. All that needs to be done is to put on clothes through which the baby cannot reach the breast.
  3. Summer season, teething, pre-implantation period and the moment of admission to the kindergarten, these are those intervals of the life cycle when weaning cannot begin.
  4. When weaning off feeding before bedtime, you can use any type of complementary foods, but this does not apply to nightfeeding. If the child wakes up at night and asks for food, milk porridge in this case cannot be given, because fermentation in the stomach slows down during the night, which can lead to morning colic.

The natural way of weaning

It is possible to wean a child from breastfeeding in a natural way, waiting for the involution of lactation, which is considered the last stage of breastfeeding. This is the period when the breast stops milk production, and its glandular tissue eventually changes to fatty tissue and the bust acquires its previous, prenatal state. Also, this method is designed to orient the baby's sucking need, waiting for his complete self-denial from the mother's breast.

Let's list the main suggestions of experts on how to properly wean a baby from breastfeeding:

  • Reducing the number of attachments is not a hasty process, initially you need to remove 1 feeding every 2-3 days.
  • At the time when the canceled feeding should occur, the child must be flirted in order to distract from thoughts about the prescribed nutrition.
  • Last but not least, feedings at night and before bedtime are removed.
  • It is worth attracting another person, for example, dad or grandmother, to entertain the crumbs, at the usual moment of feeding. This moment is more important for mom. She must realize that other relatives can also give love to the baby, and the baby will accept it with pleasure.
  • Of course, there are unpredictable cries that make you give up slack. If it really happened and one of the feedings cannot be removed, you need to wait a little more until the baby is ready and try again after a few days. So the child is made to understand that his opinion is taken into account, which leads to his calming down.

Each baby is an individuality, therefore, minor adjustments from the mother in the recommendations are quite normal.

Tip for a nursing mother: If the breasts are still filling after weaning, you cannot express completely, this will lead to new milk formation. You need to express only until the breast is softer.

While weaning the baby from breastfeeding, the nurse may develop breast problems such as lumps and hardening. Here are some suggestions for fixing this problem:

  1. Use liquids no more than 2 liters per day.
  2. Make compresses with a solution of camphor in paraffin oil at night.
  3. Drink 2 cups of mint and sage tea.
  4. Do daily massage with a warm shower jet, moving from the thickened part of the breast to the nipple.
  5. You can attach a steamed cabbage leaf to the chest.

Grandma's way

All generations that preceded us knew only one way to wean a baby from breastfeeding - a tight pull on the breast. At that moment, the young mother left the child with relatives and left for some time. Today, all pediatricians in the world consider this method quite traumatic for both the mother and the baby.

The child is exposed to double stress - he is deprived of his mother's soothing breast and loved one. Mom is also exposed to psychological discomfort, because she is still very closely connected with the newborn and is often very worried in such separation. Above all, an inexperienced mommy can comprehend a whole series of troubles - disturbing pain in the breast poured with milk, a high temperature can rise, the breast can become "stone". The consequence of all these signs is mastitis, often leading to surgical interventions. According to the statics of past years, it was this disease that ranked first among young mothers.

This method of weaning a baby from the breast is, of course, effective, but what is its price ... Even the slightest risk associated with the health of a young mother, plus a huge portion of stress for the child, is already a reason to think about whether it is worth using such a categorical “grandmother's method ".

Medication method

When mothers ask how to wean a baby from breastfeeding, breastfeeding experts very often recommend taking special medications. The doctor prescribes a drug that reduces the production of a hormonal substance called prolactin by the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for lactation in the mother's body. One of the most popular drugs used in this technique is Dostinex. The medicine is tolerated in different ways, but side effects are still present, it may appear: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, insomnia, etc.

Also, do not count on the effective action only from the drug. In addition to taking medications, you will have to reduce the number of attachments to the breast, with a gradual final elimination. The most difficult moment, in the question of how to wean a child from breastfeeding, is the abolition of night feedings, so they are removed last.

There is no need to bandage the chest, it will be enough to wear a comfortable bustier that does not have bones.

If, nevertheless, there is a feeling of bursting of the bust, the breast needs to be expressed, but not completely, only to a softer state. Partial expression does not increase lactation. At a certain period, the mammary glands stop producing milk, and the baby stops asking for the breast.

Weaning from breastfeeding using this method is not accompanied by many problems for either the mother or the baby. The kid does not lose communication with his own mother, he retains confidence in her, the process is much softer and not as hastily as with the "grandmother's method." The only thing worth realizing is that these medications are hormonal drugs that affect the indicated female background, and it is better to use them only in situations that require it.

When and how to wean a baby from breastfeeding depends entirely on the mother's choice, the main thing to remember is that this is not a one-day process.

Tricks to distract a child

It is necessary to occupy the child for the expected feeding time correctly, without injuring the baby's psyche. Here are some tips on this matter. What is worth and in no case should be used, weaning the crumb from the chest:

  • Smearing the breast with various bitter and unpleasant means for the child is not correct. The principle is not tasty, so I won't take it in my mouth anymore, but ... it should be borne in mind that the mother undermines the baby's trust, because the breast is a psychological and emotional coherent thread that gives the baby a sense of security and peace next to a loved one. Acting in this way in infancy, a mother deprives herself in the future of a trusting relationship with her child.
  • New toys: bites, rustles, rattles, which should be amused only at the moment when the baby needs to suck on the breast. You can involve all relatives in this game action: dads, grandmothers and grandfathers.
  • The child needs to be provided with many other tactile sensations from contact with loved ones: frequent hugs, kisses, carrying them in different rooms, all this contributes to new emotions, which ultimately replace the warmth of mother's breast.
  • The chest should not be exposed when the child is awake. Even the slightest hints, such as deep cleavage on blouses, can be a provoking factor for the baby to demand mom's breast.

With the help of the mother's breast, the child feeds and is inspired and learns the world. At the time of feeding, the baby can see everything around. If this process is delayed, then it can be a problem not only for the mother, but also for the psychological state of the baby. The choice of how to wean a child from breastfeeding depends on many factors, primarily on the mother herself. It is worth remembering that, having decided on the method, a nursing mother needs good support, which should be provided by everyone around, then the process will go faster, and the baby will learn to love not only his nurse, but also his relatives.

How to end feeding your baby with milk without harming your baby's mental health? After all, weaning him from the breast, although natural, but big loss... When is it better to do this and what method to choose so that the process does not turn into torment for both.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. In order to survive this important period for all without loss, it is very important for the mother herself to wean the child from breastfeeding. No advice from grandmothers and surprised sandbox neighbors should interfere with the amazing mother-child relationship that this close contact provides. After all, the maternal instinct of the mother in this case lends itself little to any kind of control. Now the mother gives the child both her attention and warmth, and only she has the right to decide whether she is ready to stop feeding her child or not.

If a woman stops breastfeeding abruptly (for example, due to illness), this can affect her mother's self-esteem. She may feel that there is a feeling of guilt and concern for the child. A mother should consciously prepare herself before weaning her baby from breastfeeding. After all, weaning a baby from breast can take longer than she would like.

When to wean a baby

Babies under one year old really need mother's milk. Mom should remember that weaning him from the breast during this period can affect immunity. After all, complementary foods do not replace, but complements feeding... The baby's refusal to breastfeed independently during this period can only mean that the baby is "on strike". After some time, he will definitely return to his chest, the main thing is not to panic!

The older the baby gets, the easier it is to wean. After all, it is already possible to come to an agreement with this little man. However, there are more and more whims.

If the child is about a year old and the mother firmly decided to wean him from attachments (mother's confidence is important during this period), then prepare that it is will last 1 - 2 months.

Choosing a way

Mild weaning

This method is most optimal if mom and baby are ready to wean.

Cons of this method: mom very often gives up on tricks, hysteria, resentment. The kid wonders: why "Sisya got sick" or "Sisya is tired".

The first step is to cut back on breastfeeding during the day, and then before bedtime. The last thing is to wean the baby from the breast during the night's sleep, and often this period is the most time spent. Thus, the mother's body slowly stops producing the hormone, the breast receives a signal to produce less milk and the likelihood of lactostasis is minimized. If a child does not breastfeed for 2-3 days at night, consider that you have already weaned him!

Abrupt weaning

This method is also quite widespread and is associated with going to work or with the mother's illness. If the mother has to quickly wean the baby from the breast, then all contact with the baby should not be stopped. It is very important during this period that both bodily and physical contact remain. Hugs, games, nursery rhymes and strokes - this is so important for the baby... Help him get through this difficult period to prevent infant depression. After all, the baby actually experiences the pain of losing a significant object in his life.

Remember: during the weaning of the baby from breastfeeding, the mother should not provoke the baby. If you sat down in a chair and fed a child - don't sit down... Do not wear open shirts, it is better to switch to closed clothes. And also the mother should not sit idle, because this is an easy "catch" for the child.

If you allow the child to remember about the breast, for a start you can pretend that the mother did not understand the request. In a more persistent case, you can urgently switch the baby's attention. After all, a seething fountain of emotions on a truck passing outside the window or large drops of rain on glass is not a way to distract from breastfeeding.

The main thing is not to let yourself hesitate. Distract and come up with new activities without driving him to hysterics. Do not tell the kid "I will not give", or "Uncle took the sisya"... After all, the baby loves you so much. And “the uncle who took the sisya” can lead to fear of strangers, reasons for poor sleep, etc.

The main thing is to stay in contact with the child and hold on! If you want to know how to wean your baby from breastfeeding quickly, don't fall for the trick. The child can coo, caress, waiting until the mother loses her vigilance.

In a more difficult case, the child may switch to direct breast demand. Here you can follow the advice of psychologists and clearly identify the feelings of the child. Name the child's negative emotions and confirm that he can count on your support, talk to him. Then switch the child to something interesting.

Of course, if the mother has health problems and it is necessary to abruptly wean the baby from the breast, then try not to wean the baby out of contact with you for good. On the contrary, body contact is necessary maximize. If the baby is small, try giving him a pacifier, a favorite toy, to replace the need for sucking a little. After all, his mother's breast for him is a source of joy, calmness and warmth.

Should I smear mustard on my breasts?

Very often on the Internet, you can read about how a grandmother, aunt or mother advise to smear the breast with mustard, brilliant green or sprinkle with some wormwood ... Often a young mother goes on about and smears her nipples, but does not think that mustard allergenic, and wormwood for a child under one year old contraindicated... About tips to smear with mayonnaise, pepper, it can be noted that this food is not desirable for the child's gastrointestinal tract.

So, in addition to allergies, you can get vomiting along with the disorder. The child is in shock, he wanted to cling to his own breast, but he gets bitterness. The baby will be stressed by these changes. Previously, the child knew that mother's breast was for him confidence in stability in this huge world. And then the world just collapses, the baby can perceive such changes as a form of betrayal, and some children tend to blame themselves for all adversity.

Abrupt weaning can cause bouts of illness, scandals, or he may try to extinguish his sucking reflex in another way - thumb sucking... It is very important not to miss this moment, it is very difficult to wean a child sucking a thumb. Subsequently, this can affect his bite, when the upper jaw does not adjoin the lower one and a hole is formed. And only an orthodontist can fix this. And young mothers are already suffering with sucking a finger, and they also smear it with all kinds of drugs from the pharmacy, and again they smear with mustard, and stick plasters. Vicious circle. In addition to stress in the baby, you can get the risk of developing lactostasis, mastitis.

Therefore, remember that your baby must be ready for weaning, and it is better if this happens. softly for the two of you... And knowing how to wean your baby from breastfeeding, and what methods of weaning are right for you, everything will not be so difficult. A mother who works during the day may well feed her baby at night without stopping breastfeeding for good. After all, this wonderful mother's period passes so quickly.

When to not stop breastfeeding

You should not wean your baby from breastfeeding if:

  • the child is sucking on his finger, or lower lip (he is not ready yet);
  • mom goes to work or leaves (stress for the baby);
  • the kid goes to kindergarten;
  • a nanny appeared in the house;
  • the child is to be vaccinated;
  • child is sick;
  • the child "moves" to his room or crib;
  • sleeps restlessly or wakes up frequently.

When to wean from breastfeeding

You should wean your baby from breastfeeding if:

  • if the chest is "empty" and does not fill;
  • if feeding is painful for mom;
  • if the baby is breastfeeding to sleep.

Remember, if the baby is not ready, this can negatively affect his nervous system, it is difficult for him to come to terms with some of the restrictions that have arisen in attachments. In such a weaning situation, it may be better to wait.

What to do with the breast?

If nipple irritation does not occur (the baby does not suckle), then the milk itself gradually "burns out". If there is a lot of milk, then to suppress lactation use medical drugsprescribed by a doctor. Very often used to stop lactation herbs sage, jasmine, belladonna and others. But the process of stopping lactation by this method can take up to six months.

There is a certain ghost of the Soviet past when it was recommended to bandage the chest. However, this method of terminating lactation threatens lactostasis and mastitis... Those who have at least once experienced all the "charms" of these two edemas will never want to repeat them again. Due to tight bandaging (and this was done with an elastic bandage), not only the flow of milk into the ducts worsened, but also the blood supply to the mammary glands.

Better to prepare yourself and your baby for slow weaning. And milk, which is gradually canceled, will flow less by itself. Thus, you will protect yourself from lactostasis and large "hot flashes" to the chest. Instead of bandaging and bandaging, as it is also called, it is better to express yourself until you are relieved.

If it didn't work out

Stop feeding - this is another stage through which all children go. This is an integral part of his life, and weaning a baby from breastfeeding should be painless for both parties. If you gradually wean your baby from breastfeeding, first by canceling daytime feedings, then bedtime feedings and nighttime feedings, you will be psychologically ready for this step together.

Lactose-free mixture - Dr. Komarovsky

You gradually gain experience, set a framework, negotiate with it. This is an invaluable experience in a mom-child couple. Remember that if you want to drastically wean your baby from breastfeeding, this can creep out sideways, and other problems will appear that will also have to be eradicated.

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    In no case should you smear anything on your chest - this is some kind of past century, really. the easiest way is to start "negotiating" with the child somewhere 2-3 weeks before the planned absence, nevertheless, it is most correct. explain that there is not enough milk, that the milk is tired, and so on and so on. and then, if the child is already one year old, you can give him some kind of milk drink, for example, nuppy marked 12 plus - just made for kids from one year old to fill the vitamin deficiency. Usually children drink it with pleasure - I judge by my baby and by the children I know from the walking area. Now I have already gone to work (the child is 1.5 years old), he does not remember his chest

    Yulia :

    First of all, the mother herself should be ready to stop breastfeeding. I was breastfeeding a child up to 2 years old. We managed to wean it in a week. At first I tried to come to an agreement, told me that “the sisyu was stolen by a crow,” etc., but this did not help absolutely. In this process, the main thing is to pull yourself together and endure the baby's tantrums. A week later, the child himself forgot that he was drinking breast milk and began to fall asleep normally. At the same time, I did not smear anything on the breast, the milk disappeared by itself without any consequences.


    And we easily abandoned GV. About 9 months, the son asked for breast only at night. During the day we ate porridge, curds, mashed potatoes, kefir. At night, the baby woke up very often - up to 5 times, but he ate milk a little bit, probably to calm down and fall asleep. When I was 11 months old, I decided it was time to tie, and at night I slipped him a bottle of water. And after about a week we began to sleep all night without waking up. This is how the rejection of GW helped us to find a healthy sleep))).


    I have a negative attitude towards stopping breastfeeding. Because the child is very sensitive to the absence of a breast, stops sleeping peacefully and becomes nervous. Since the breast for a small child is the warmth of the mother, which he feels from the very small age... And there is nothing better than mother's milk.


    We have now begun the process of excommunication. The child is 1 year and 2 months old. I would like to gradually bring it only for night feedings by the new year. It's so hard to do it alone. He falls asleep only with me and tit. Looks for at night, crawls over me (we sleep together). If I say no, then neither distractions nor persuasion "later" work, he pisses her off during the day, almost tears her clothes when he crawls to his beloved. I got used to going to visit my grandmother, where he is distracted, he is more interested, and mom is not really needed, especially if his cousins \u200b\u200bcome. I want to start leaving him for 3 hours, I hope there will be independence and the need for a titish will disappear.

    Tamara Wahlish:

    With my son, weaning happened somehow by itself. At the beginning, I replaced the night feeds with a bottle of juice or compote, the number of day feedings decreased due to the introduction of complementary foods. And one morning, when the "night" juice in the bottle ran out, I offered breast, my son himself did not want milk. From that day, our GW ended))) The child was 11 months old at that time. I wish everyone the same easy and simple "absent"!)

The baby grows very quickly and sooner or later the question arises before the mother: how to painlessly wean the baby from breastfeeding. Dozens of specialists have already answered this question, and each has its own point of view and opinion on this matter. In this article, you will learn a summary of how to complete the breastfeeding process, depending on the age of the baby and the wishes of the mother.

When to end breastfeeding

One of the most exciting questions every breastfeeding mother asks is when to start weaning her baby from breastfeeding. No doctor can tell the exact timing. It all depends on the age of the newborn, the state of health of the mother and the wishes of the woman herself.

Weaning up to 1 year

Doctors agree that it is necessary to complete breastfeeding no earlier than twelve months of age, provided that lactation is maintained and the mother and child are feeling well. You can complete natural feeding for up to a year in the following cases:

  1. Lack of lactation and milk production, which leads to a decrease in the body weight of the newborn and developmental disabilities.
  2. Diseases of the mother, in which breastfeeding is not possible and poses a danger to the newborn.
  3. Desire of the mother herself to stop breastfeeding.

As you can see, if the mother herself wants to wean the newborn from the breast ahead of schedule, she should not be forbidden. However, it must be remembered that the weaning process itself will be longer and more traumatic for the baby, not to mention the fact that breast milk is an irreplaceable food product for a baby during the first year of life.

Weaning after the first year of life

At this age, it is more correct and physiological for both the mother and the child. It is after after the first year that the entire medical community recommends weaning off breastfeeding.

Important! If it is necessary to quickly and painlessly wean the child from the breast, then it is recommended to start this process at 13-14 months of the baby's life. At this time, the gastrointestinal tract is completely ready to digest and assimilate regular food. In addition, from this age, the child should begin to learn self-care skills to prepare for kindergarten.

Before starting weaning from a breast, a mother must understand for herself: after 1 year of life, breast milk is no longer needed for growth and development. On the contrary, closer to the age of twelve months, the composition of milk is no longer able to meet the needs of the child; this requires animal proteins and carbohydrates contained in ordinary food. The act of sucking is a common unnecessary habit for the baby and a way to calm down. It is necessary to gradually wean it from this, there will be no harm to the child.

  • Termination of lactation by imposing on chest pressure bandage. Natural fabrics of large sizes are used as "tightening". Most often, cotton sheets are used, with which the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is tied tightly in several layers for the whole day. It is recommended to remove the bandage at night. At this time, the child is transferred to artificial feeding and for some time is weaned from the mother.

Important! Compression of the mammary glands leads to a decrease in lactation, but part of the breast milk stagnates in the ducts. This can lead to inflammation and mastitis.

  • Another way to quickly wean your baby is to spread irritants on the nipple area. For this, mustard, adjika and other hot sauces are suitable. This method is used extremely rarely for the reason that it can cause a disease of the digestive system in the baby or provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, such weaning is a huge stress for a newborn.
  • The most traumatic and stressful way to end breastfeeding is to separate the mother and baby for a while until the baby weaned from breastfeeding. This is the wrong and far from painless method, but if life circumstances require it, then it's worth a try.

Gradual completion of breastfeeding

It is more physiological and correct to stop feeding gradually, as lactation decreases and the baby weaned from the breast. This situation is possible only if the child has been instilled with the correct nutrition system from the first year of life.
Since the introduction of complementary foods (5-6 months), the baby is transferred to five meals a day:

  • First feeding immediately after waking up in the morning.
  • 2-4 feedings form breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • 5 feeding - at night, before bedtime.

Important! It is better to wean your baby from breastfeeding gradually, with the least stress for him. This will help the correct feeding system in the first and second year of life.

Modern ways to properly stop breastfeeding

Medicine does not stand still, and at present special drugs have been invented to artificially suppress lactation in a nursing mother.
A special hormone, prolactin, is responsible for the formation of breast milk. In a nursing mother, it is excreted in large quantities and stimulates the formation of breast milk in the acini of the mammary glands. Modern medications suppress prolactin production, which drastically reduces lactation. When sucking, the baby realizes that there is not enough milk and is forced to make up for the lack of energy with breast milk substitutes or regular food.

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Of course, this method is no less traumatic for the baby, since weaning occurs abruptly and unexpectedly. However, unlike the suppression of lactation with pressure bandages, the drug method does not provoke lactostasis, which means there is no risk of inflammation and suppuration.

In any case, weaning is a great stress for a child. Involve actively this process father. It is better for dad to feed the baby with new unusual food, so the baby will not be tempted to be capricious due to lack of breast. After feeding, let dad read a fairy tale, play educational games with the baby, interest him with a new toy and distract the baby, while mom goes for a couple of hours for a walk or takes time for herself.

It is difficult to explain the feelings that a woman experiences when breastfeeding a baby. At this moment, an emotional connection is built between mother and child, harmony of further relationships arises.

The child will grow up, needs will change, and the moment will come when the direct biological connection will be interrupted. Then the woman is faced with the problem of how to wean the baby from breastfeeding without stress.

Do not wean off breastfeeding during the peak of the summer heat or winter cold. Adults can hardly tolerate climatic stress, and a baby is a sensitive barometer who finds it difficult to independently adapt to climate change.

The same applies to a change of residence.... When the family changes the region of residence, the child is forced to adapt to new living conditions, for this period it is better to postpone weaning from the mother's breast.

When to wean your baby

As the child grows up, pediatricians determine when to add additional foods to the diet. A standard scheme for the introduction of complementary foods has been developed. The decision to change the diet is made by the doctor together with the mother. Natural weaning goes away as breast milk is replaced with other foods.

In any variant of weaning from breastfeeding, except emergency cases, the process will drag on. Not a single pediatrician will say in an orderly order "we will wean from the breast tomorrow!" Mom makes this decision. Feeding can last up to three to four years. Do not forget that the lactation process is used as a contraceptive. The hormone prolactin is able to suppress ovulation in a woman's body.

Today social factors are coming to the fore: going to work, changing place of residence, changing social conditions of life. They push the decision to refuse feeding.

Pediatricians insist on feeding the baby up to a year. It is good for the health of both mom and baby. But there are women who decide to extend the feeding period.

Weaning rules after 1 year.

When this decision is made, tune in to a positive mood with the whole family. Mom and baby will need the support of others. Even if all recommendations are followed, weaning from breastfeeding will take place according to the child's personal schedule.

Tip: Don't set specific deadlines or dates. The child is not a clockwork. Even if everything goes smoothly and according to plan, at any time the baby can change the course of things. Then change plans and adapt to his desires.

Weaning rules after two years

Not all mothers feed until this age. And when weaning two-year-olds, there are psychological and emotional features. The child is already eating "adult" food and is ready for social adaptation.

Children of this age need communication with peers. But some on their own cannot refuse mother's milk, they resist weaning at the initiative of the mother. Not because it is vital for the body, it has become a habit. The child does not understand why he should do this.

The natural way to wean off gradually. Soft and stress free

  1. Start natural weaning by reducing your daily milk intake. Remove feedings between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. You can not deny the baby in breast milk during the main meals.
  2. You should change your dress code. If earlier, for convenience, a woman wore blouses or dressing gowns with fasteners, then during excommunication it is better to switch to T-shirts. Even touching the buttons brings up the memory of breast milk in the child's mind.
  3. The most active lifestyle. Walk more in the fresh air, play active games. You can not restrict the baby in physical contact. We need to let him know that mom is around. Hug him for any reason, stroke him, do a massage.
  4. You can agree on a lot. Of course, if the child is not in a state of stress or a night's sleep, you can explain to him not to breastfeed. This will not solve the problem immediately, but the mother's affectionate insistence will eventually be heard.

Reducing daily attachments

  • we refuse feedings between main meals. For example, remove snacks between breakfast and lunch. At this time, take your baby for a walk, engage in active games;
  • introduce complementary foods, according to age norms. Replace breast milk intake with "adult" food;
  • we replace one daily breastfeeding with a mixture or liquid milk porridge from a bottle;
  • we replace feeding between lunch and dinner with warm tea or dried fruit compote.

Daytime sleep without breast

Feeding after sleep is worth cleaning. It is better that during awakening, not a mother is next to the baby. You can give him a bottle of compote instead of a breast, distract him with a toy or massage.

A walk or nap in the fresh air will help to refuse feeding before bedtime. If the weather permits, it is better to transfer daytime sleep to the street, after an active walk.

Nipple sucking - soothes a tired baby, gives him the opportunity to fall asleep with the usual sucking process.

How to remove evening feedings?

Evening feedings should be replaced with motion sickness. For children over one and a half years old, a set of activities is suitable: massage and bedtime story. If the child is capricious and demands a breast, you need to involve one of the relatives. Another person, not my mother, must give a bottle of milk porridge. Do this change for at least a week until the child gets used to it.

Decreased lactation with gradual weaning. Drugs and other methods

Medicines are a remedy exclusively for mothers. We must not forget that breastfeeding for a baby is psychological comfort, not just food. By artificially reducing lactation, the mother solves her biological problems. The baby, with a decrease in the amount of milk, may feel deceived in expectations.

This method should be supervised by a gynecologist or family doctor. It is the doctor who advises the drug that will reduce lactation. All of them are aimed at reducing the production of prolactin. The hormonal background of a woman is changed.

  • The drug "Dostinex" 649 - 1898 rubles, production: USA.

Sold in tablets of 2 or 8 pcs. packaged. The dose of the active substance in one tablet is 0.5 mg. Take ½ tablet, twice a day, for two days. The drug is contraindicated in arterial hypertension, pregnancy, proeclampsia.

The drug is not very effective if you do not carry out activities related to the psychological adaptation of the baby to a decrease in milk.

  • The drug "Bergolak" 285 - 848 rubles, production: Russia.

The drug is sold in tablets of 2 or 8 pcs. packaged. Suppresses the production of prolactin with established stable lactation. The drug is taken ½ tablet twice a day, every 12 hours, for two days with food.

Contraindications: age up to 16 years, severe heart disease, stomach ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding, rare forms of galactose intolerance, usually hereditary. All contraindications are taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the drug.

  • The drug "Agalates" 449 -1239 rubles, production: Israel.

Sold in tablets of 2 or 8 pcs. packaged. The dosage of the active substance is 0.5 mg. 1 mg is taken. (2 tablets) of the drug once. Contraindicated in uncontrolled arterial hypertension, severe liver dysfunction, psychosis, age up to 16 years, simultaneous use with macrolide antibiotics.

Foods that can reduce milk supply:

  • black pepper and other hot spices;
  • herbal tea made from mint or lingonberry;
  • sage tincture or adding dry herb to tea;
  • decoction of field horsetail and sage in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • juice or tincture of parsley.

Methods for rapid weaning

The technique of abrupt cessation of feeding is used in case of emergency.

This may be associated with some diseases of the mother, but not all diseases.

  • "Breast ligation method" - not recommended by modern medicine. This method does not lead to a rapid decrease in lactation, it can cause mastitis;
  • "Expression method" - this is when the mother is pumping instead of feeding. This helps to remove painful sensations in the chest, does not allow seals to form. We must not forget that you do not need to pump to the end, otherwise it will provoke the opposite process - increased lactation;
  • "Drug cessation of lactation" stops milk production by a woman's body for two to three days. All drugs belong to the group of "hormonal drugs".

Should I smear my breasts and what?

The method is based on the fact that in the mind of the child, a bitter taste or an unpleasant smell will be associated with breastfeeding, and he will not ask for tasteless milk. Substances for lubricating the breast are divided into groups: foods, medicines, herbal tinctures.

Food products:


  • greenery;
  • furacilin solution;
  • tablets "No - shpa", solution in water;
  • medical bile;
  • drops "Hilak forte".

Herbal tinctures:

  • motherwort;
  • aloe;
  • sagebrush.

Not all products are safe for the baby. Mustard can burn the lining of the mouth. Drops "Hilak Forte", on the contrary, will improve digestion and will not do any harm. Practice shows that the method works selectively. Some babies grimace, but they endure bitterness, continuing to ask for mother's breast.

Komarovsky's technique

Doctor's advice for weaning:

  • reduce the amount of liquid that you drink per day. This means not drinking additional volumes of liquid, as was done before, to increase the amount of milk;
  • reduce sucking time. Distract your baby with a toy or even interrupt sucking yourself;
  • do not pump;
  • move actively throughout the day. This will decrease the body's milk production;
  • do not eat foods that provoke lactation: beer, walnuts, tea with milk, carrot juice, dairy products;
  • spoil the taste of breast milk: eat garlic, drink motherwort or hawthorn tincture.

The doctor advises to use pharmaceutical methods only under the supervision of a doctor, although he considers them more humane than folk remedies.

How to wean a baby at night

How to wean a baby from breastfeeding at night after one year, but continue feeding until two years of age. You don't have to force excommunication. By the age of one year, the frequency of these feedings decreases by itself. Only in rare cases, especially demanding children, do not want to change their diet.

Effective weaning techniques without harm to the baby

  1. Be the first to cancel daytime feedings at the request of the baby, when it is early to feed on the daily regimen and the baby is asking for breast.
  2. Reduce breastfeeding time.
  3. Replace "snacks" between main feedings with a game or a walk.
  4. Remove feedings before or after naps.
  5. Introduce additional complementary foods as recommended by the pediatrician.
  6. Remove latching before going to sleep at night. Swing on your hands or tell a story.
  7. Stay on schedule and reduce the number of night feedings.
  8. Wear closed blouses and T-shirts to prevent your child from seeing the food.
  9. Support your child psychologically. Speak more sweet words, add hugs and touches.
  10. Leave your baby with relatives. He must get used to short-term separation. Increase the time gradually.
  11. Pediatricians recommend replacing one of the feedings with formula. The norm for a one-year-old baby is 1/9 of body weight.
  12. Delight your child with his favorite dishes. Increase the amount of fluids you drink per day.

If it didn't work out

Like any biological process, weaning from breastfeeding takes place individually. Often, just a mom's decision is not enough. Some children happily switch to complementary foods and forget about their mother's breasts on their own, and some children are closely dependent on the sucking process. Breaking this bond without the child's desire is almost impossible.

If aggression is observed in the behavior of the baby, then the weaning process should be suspended. To linger on some of the stages. When it is not possible to give up night feedings, but it was possible to replace daytime feedings, this stage should be extended.

If the physical condition of the child allows, a variety of complementary foods should be introduced. The baby will add new flavors to his diet, this will help to abandon his mother's milk as food. If you fail, after a while you need to try again. Apply methods that have not been used before.

What not to do

  1. You cannot set a specific time frame, if the feeding process is well-established and there is enough milk, quick weaning will not work.
  2. Wean during the period when teeth are being cut or the child is sick.
  3. Stop feeding when the baby is experiencing an emotional shock.
  4. Immediately and for a long time to leave the baby without a mother.
  5. Smear nipples folk remedies... This can burn the baby's nipples and mouth and lips.
  6. Replacing night feedings with a bottle with a mixture or sweet compote. This can cause tooth decay in a child.
  • find a breastfeeding consultant. These are specially trained medical personnel who will help practical advice individually;
  • independently, without the recommendation and supervision of a doctor, do not interrupt the feeding with medications. Hormonal drugs can cause depression;
  • during the period of weaning from breastfeeding, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the baby. If the weaning process progresses very quickly, it will spill over into aggressiveness or anxiety for him. A bad night's sleep, sobbing are symptoms of emotional discomfort. The child can start biting, so he shows his anxiety, this symptom should not be ignored;
  • increase physical contact - hugging, kissing, stroking the child. This will let him know that his mother is there, relieve emotional stress.

Tips from experienced moms:

  • feed intensively during the day. Leave the night to sleep;
  • if you reduce daily feedings, then start with "snacks", leaving feedings before and after naps;
  • tell fairy tales and lull in your arms, replacing feedings before bedtime;
  • find out what the child loves from complementary foods and give when he asks for breast;
  • do not smear your breasts with various nasty things, but seal the nipples with a plaster;
  • smear with brilliant green and tell that mom is sick;
  • drink or eat foods that spoil the taste of milk. Effective in the last stages, for ultimate failure.

Video on how to wean a baby from breastfeeding

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to wean your baby from breastfeeding:

Mistakes to avoid when weaning a baby:


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