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Dear Guys! Try to solve such a mystery:

He skillfully leads the car -

After all, behind the wheel is not the first year!

Slightly rustle tight tires

He is lucky in the city.

That's right, this is the driver!

What is this profession - the driver?

Driver passenger car Carries people, and cargo - transport various goods. But the same and the other should know the machine's device perfectly well, skillfully manage it, especially on the streets of a big city, where many cars and pedestrians.

rules road The driver must know the izubok and never break them!

The driver who works as a taxi driver, carries people around the city. He knows all the city streets and alley.

Cargo car is much more and more powerful. Manage such large machine Not so easy! Therefore, truck drivers have very high qualifications.

Listen to the poem about the work of the driver of the cargo machine.

My truck

Here is a huge truck!

I will drive it used

Cargo I drive on it

If you build a new home.

All machines he car -

True Mahina!

Carries bricks, sand,

He could move the mountain!

All day we are together

I am in the booth driving.

He is obedient, like alive,

As if he comrade mine.

Quietly music included

And Barankok

Raining whether the rain is shy, the snow goes,

We go, we go ahead!

Before departure, the driver carefully checks the serviceability of his car. With the slightest malfunction, the car should not go to the track, it should do a specialist - mechanic.

Many drivers work on public transport - trams, buses, trolley buses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked with mechanics, and the doctor inspects the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people.

At the stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers leave the bus, tram or trolley buses, while others come.

Many guys to the question about who they want to become when they grow, answer: the driver!

In fact, this profession is interesting! Machine all the time in motion, the landscape is constantly changing outside the window, and people are changing in the car.

But the driver's profession makes high demands: speed of reaction, excellent memory, endurance, strength, ability to instantly make the right decision in a difficult situation, good health, excellent vision.

The driver must unmistakably distinguish between all light signals and have excellent hearing.

The driver's profession attracts people of living living, loving a variety and frequent shifts of impressions.

Tell us about the driver's work.

What types of transport work drivers?

Why is the driver's work is considered very responsible?

What should the driver know?

What qualities should the driver have?

Would you like to become a driver?

Sections: Extracurricular work

Goal: To introduce children with a professional driver, give some knowledge of what qualities and knowledge should have a person to become a good specialist driver.


1. Organizational moment.<Приложение 1 > <Слайд 2>

2. Creating a positive emotional attitude.

What is your mood now? Draw on a sheet of paper that everyone has on the table, a circle of the color that the soul is asking how you now have a mood. (Children draw.)<Слайд 3>

3. Call associations.

Guess the riddle:

He skillfully leads the car -
After all, behind the wheel is not the first year!
Slightly rustle tight tires
He takes us around the city. ( Driver) <Слайд 4>

That's right, the driver! Write the word "driver" and words that come to your mind when you hear this word, i.e. Association. (Children are recorded on a sheet of paper.)<Слайд 5>

Name the words-associations that you recorded. (Wrist record teacher on blackboard.)

To the words that you recorded, add a sign-sign, the name is adjective to get a phrase. (Children are recorded on a sheet of paper.)

Read the phrase. (Children read, the teacher adds words and signs on the board.)

4. Work in groups.

The profession, about which we talk today, everyone is very familiar, since you meet with her almost daily.

Make up the story about the profession a driver. (Children make up story, then one person from each group tells the driver's profession.)<Слайд 6>

5. An excerpt from the work of N. Nosova "How Dunno rode on a carbonated car" (scene).

Is it easy to be a driver? Let's see.<Слайд 7>

(Children show an excerpt from the work of N. Nosov. You can use inspection from the cartoon passage)

Dunno: Let me ride a car. I also want to learn how to manage.

Thoring: You are not able to. This is the car. It is necessary to understand.

Dunno: what else to understand! I saw you drive. Droughae for the handle da verti steering wheel. Everything is simple.

Toroping: It only seems to be just, and in fact hard. You will kill yourself, and throw a car.

Dunno: ( offended) Well, okay, sticking! You will ask me something, I will not give you too.

Little: ( screaming) What are you doing? You will kill!

Dunno: I do not kill ...

Fuck-fuck! The booth crumbled into sins. It is good that the Bulka managed to jump out, and then it would be crushed.

Sign: ( screaming) Here you see that you have done! Stop now!

Author: Dunno frightened, I wanted to stop the car and pulled out some kind of lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. Fuck Tararh! The gazebo crumpled into pieces. Intrust from my head to the legs threw sins. It hooked it on his back, another cracked on the back of the back. Dunno grabbed the wheel and let's turn. The car is worn around the yard, and Dunno shouts into everything throat:

Dunno: Brothers, open the gate rather, and then I fracture everything in the yard!

Hearing the noise, the shorteys ran down from all the courtyards.

Is it easy to be a driver? Why?

What do you think you should know and be able to do the driver?

6. Generalization of oral answers in the form of a brief description.

So, this profession is related to the carriage of goods and passengers, which provides for the ability to drive a car and maintain it (refueling flammable, lubricate parts, wash, find and troubleshoot.)

7. Conversation.

What educational items need to know the future driver?

Why do he need mathematics, Russian and foreign languages, history and geography?

What abilities should the driver have? (At first they give the answers)

8. Task on attention.

It is very important for the driver who is on the road to be extremely attentive.

You have this ability now and check.<Слайд 8>

Exercise 1.

In the picture, several cars are drawn in the picture. It is necessary to determine their number for 5 seconds and show the card with the number. (The numbers lie on the table each team)

Task 2.< Слайд 9>

In the picture, you need to find the shadow of the depicted car in 5 seconds and show the card with the ordinal number of the car. (The numbers lie on the table each team)

9. Task "Restore Plan".

Why does the driver quickly find a destination, that is, a place where should I come? (Caught to navigate the map, has a good visual memory.)

With the help of the next task, you check these abilities.<Слайд 10>

(Each team has a sheet with a plan and task on the table)


Insert the missing fragments into the plan so that you can drive along the road along the river. ( Check)

10. Game "Types of Transport".

The driver should be able to quickly respond in unforeseen situations, quickly think. This ability can be checked using the game.<Слайд 11>

A game

One of you, throwing a ball to someone, must say, for example, "air transport" (options - ground, marine).

The one who catches the ball calls the vehicle related to the air (ground, sea) type of transport, and gives the task to the next student.

The one who will not be able to give an answer moves the ball and his question to another student, and he comes out of the game.

(At the end of the game, the number of remaining players, which are noted as possessors of a good reaction, are calculated.)

11. Work with subject material.<Слайд 12>

Recommens your car driver is not worse than a locksmith. Good driver - Master for all hands!

Remove, without looking, the first tool from the box that came across you, tell me how it is called and how the driver can use it.

(Each command takes only one tool out of the box.)

(Chisel. Attached to the metal with a sharp end of the chisel, hit the way with a hammer - a piece of metal cut off!

File. It helps to make the surface of the metal completely smooth.

Screwdriver. Screws screws.

Wrench. Helps unscrew or screw the bolts and nuts.

A hammer. They clog something or used with chisel to cut off a piece of metal.)

12. Exercises "Who longer? Who is bigger?".<Слайд 13>

For you, I think it is no secret that the driver must unmistakably distinguish between all light signals and have excellent hearing. The driver must be hardy and strong, have a good health. After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people.

(3 representatives from each team are invited)

The first representatives from each team are pressed from the floor. Who is bigger?

The second representatives jump on one leg. Who longer?

Third representatives squat on one leg, holding the second leg straightened forward. Who made more squats?

13. Tasks for knowledge of traffic rules.<Слайд 14>

Road rules The driver is obliged to know the izubok and never break them! Let's check, and how do you know the rules of the road.

Exercise 1.

One person from the team takes a card with mystery. The team reads her, guess.

  1. Ill belly from Roma -
  2. Do not reach the house.
    In such a situation
    Need to find what? ("Paragraph first medical care)

  3. Red Circle, Rectangle
  4. Every schoolboy must know!
    This is a very strict sign:
    And where would you not hurried
    With dad on car -
    Do not pass in any way! (Sign "No entry") <Слайд 15>

  5. Rides boy Fedya
  6. By cycling ...
    Guess why
    Discontent among passersby.
    Call me that sign
    What he sees in no way. (Sign "Bicycle movement is prohibited")

  7. Exclamation mark -
  8. Wonderful sign.
    So you can play here,
    Sing, noise, fool?
    Not to get to us too much -
    This is a very strict sign! (Sign "Other dangers")

  9. On stripes black and white
    Pedestrian walks boldly.
    Which of you guys knows
    What a sign of what warns? (Sign "Crosswalk") <Слайд 16>

Task 2.

And now - blitz survey. It requires the fastest to answer the questions faster, but the answers must be loyal.<Слайд 17>

1. What traffic signal is prohibited moving? (Red.)

2. Place intersection of roads. (Crossroads.)

3. A man walking on foot. (A pedestrian.)

4. Part of the street intended for transport. (Driving part.)

5. On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians go? (Right.)

6. How many turns are there? (Two: left and right.)

7. How to do, if someone called you while you go through the street? (Continue the way.)

8. Traffic light signal allowing motion. (Green.)

9. The most dangerous place on the streets of the city. (Crossroads.)

10. Man who rides bus, tram. (Passenger.)

11. Part of the street intended for pedestrians. (Sidewalk.)

12. On which side of the road should the pedestrian, if there is no sidewalk? (On the left, towards transport.)

13. What transition should be on an intersection with intensive movement? (Underground.)

14. What should people accompany the group in their hands? (Checkboxes.)

15. From what age is allowed to ride a bike on the roadway? (From 14 years old.)

Task 3.<Слайд 18>

Each team gets a sheet with the image of 5 road signs. Need to sign the name of each road sign And determine which group of signs they relate.

1 group - "Railway moving without a barrier" ( warning)

"No entry" ( prohibiting)

"Movement right" ( prescriptive)

"Underground Pedestrian Transition" ( information)

"Resting-place" (service)

2 groups - "Traffic light regulation" ( warning)

"Movement Prohibition" ( prohibiting)

"Bicycle lane" ( prescriptive)

"Overhead Pedestrian Transition" ( information)

"Car wash" ( service)

3 Group - "Rough road" ( warning)

"Bicycle movement is prohibited" ( prohibiting)

"Footpath" ( prescriptive)

"Gas station" ( service)

"Parking site" ( information)

4 Group – “Crosswalk” (warning)

"No Pedestrians" ( prohibitive)

"Tram stop location" ( sign of a special prescription)

"Dead end" ( information)

"Power point" ( service)

5 Group - "Road works" ( warning)

"Sound signal is prohibited" ( prohibiting)

"Living sector" ( sign of a special prescription)

"Maintenance of cars" ( service)

"Children" ( warning))

Check:<Слайд 19, 20, 21, 22, 23>

14. Conversation.<Слайд 24>

What did people go before?

What are you going now?

What will happen in the future?

15. Task in groups.<Слайд 25>

Try to draw a car of the future. Describe it. How will it move? Will he be fuel? If so, what? What speed can he be able to develop? What distances can you move on?

(Creation of projects of transport of the future and protection of project projects. Projects are postponed in class.)

What is the project of the car of the future, in your opinion, the most successful? Why?

16. Discussion of results.<Слайд 26>

What are the abilities that were checked in this lesson?

What tasks caused your interest?

What tasks were easy to perform?

What tasks caused difficulties and why?

17. Reflection.<Слайд 27>

Let's make a syncewing about our lesson. The rules for the compilation of synkievna have on your desk. (Make up and read on a chain)<Слайд 28>

And now I would like to know what mood you have at the end of our classes. Draw on a piece of color to the color, which the soul is asking how you now have a mood. (Children draw.)

Who by the end of the lesson is improved? Why, what do you think?<Слайд 29>

(Presentation of prizes to teams)

Our lesson is over.

18. Organizational end of classes.


  1. The newspaper "The Odenda", elementary school, special issue "Profile Training" No. 2, January, 2007.
  2. Davydova MA, original holidays in primary classes, creative center of the sphere, M., 2005.
  3. A set of newspapers "Pedsovets" and "Shik", November, 2006.
  4. N.N. nnov, stories about Lekhanka, as Dunno rode on a carbonated car, Publisher "Raduga", M., 1983.
  5. Potapova T.V., conversations with preschoolers about professions, creative center of the sphere, M., 2005.
  6. Rules of road traffic of the Russian Federation (with illustrations), M., "Third Rome", 2006.

Project on:

"Profession Driver"

(Second Junior Group).

Implementation period :

1 month.

Project type:

Practical andiented.


Children 2. junior Group, educators, parents of children.


Cognitive, communicative, artistic, creative, game.

The relevance of the project:

The relevance of the chosen topic is that children preschool age Very little know about the professions that, in new social conditions related to the processes of democratization, gummanization of the social device, there have been changes in relation to labor, its social significance, functions in society, which could not not affect the process of labor education of children. Children are always in their games, thoughts - "Mirror of society", so in the current conditions it is necessary to rethink a lot in the organization of pedagogical work in labor education.

Children underdeveloped a dictionary of professional vocabulary associated with the description of the professions. Work on this project will help to form in children the concept of "Profession Driver", to expand the knowledge of children about the appointment of transport. Thus, the formation of ideas of preschoolers about the world of labor and professions is the necessary process that is relevant in modern world.

Objective of the project:

Expand the knowledge of children about transport types, professions of those who drive transport

Project tasks: Secure children's knowledge about transport types: ground, air, water.

Expand the presentation of children about the structure of the car, airplane, ship; Place of movement.

To acquaint children with road rules.

Educating the skills of cooperation in the game and in class, independence, initiative, responsibility.

To form the ideas of children about safe road behavior.

Final event:

creating an album: "Professions are different, professions are different important."

Expected project results:

Call an interest in the world.

To expand in children knowledge about professions, including the professions of their parents (the place of work of parents, the significance of their labor; pride and respect for the work of their parents).

Help parents properly organize joint family leisure. Instruct the children of the work of the house, in children's garden, be responsible for their implementation.

Ensure the activity of the child in complex process His becoming a person

Stages of the project:

Stage 1. Detection of the problem, definition of goal, tasks.

Stage 2. Project development.

3 stage. Project implementation. Practical activities to solve the problem, planning joint activities.

4 stage. Summarizing.

Project implementation.

Teaching teacher with children.


Conversation "For what a person's transport", "who drives what", "movement of transport", "We will help a monkey get home", "we have a traffic light", "rules of behavior on the street", "rules of behavior in transport", "where Works my dad. "

Tasks: Expand the presentations of children about transport types, its appointment

The conversation in the picture "Correct the road", "my friend traffic lights". Learning to make the simplest generalizations. Continue to acquaint children with objects of the nearest environment, their meanings.

Consider illustration with transport.

Goal: Rail around the culture of speech. Build a phrase speech. Replenish vocabulary about transport types.

Reading fiction

Tale "Ship".

Reading stories: "Story about a small car" L. Berg, "Svetik - three-sided" T. Alexandrova.

Reading poems: "I lived in the light of the dump truck" A. Barto, "Wind in the sea walks" by A. Pushkin, "Papin Holiday the most important" S. Marshak.

Goal: educate artistic literature. Develop the ability to listen to the artistic work as a clear accompaniment and without it. Develop the ability to consider illustrations in the book. Expand children's knowledge about transport types.

Artistic and aesthetic.

Drawing: "Cheerful plane

Goal : fasten the skill to draw round-shaped items. Learn to the right taking paints with paints without leaving the contour.

Lrak: Plane modeling, "Traffic light".

Goal: to continue to teach children to pinch up large and small lumps from a large piece of plasticine, roll off the lumps with circular movements of the palm. Fasten the skills to rotate plasticine in lumps, gently smear the finger

Application: "Traffic light".

Goal: Learn children to stick items correctly. Develop color perception, consolidate flower knowledge. Develop a desire in children to admire the finished works.

Cognitively speech. "Travel to the country of professions"


To acquaint children with professions such as cook, doctor, chauffeur, their labor processes, with subjects - assistants. Raise respect for work, cause the desire to work, intensify the speech of children.

Didactic games:

"Traffic light", "tractor and car", "garage for a car" "Pedestrian crossing". "Wonderful bag", "Guess the description", "Cutting pictures", "Nazis Laskovo", "flies, does not fly," "Compare", "What,", "who, what does", "what is missing" "On the contrary", "you can or can not".

Cross the children to design, develop the ability to use their buildings in the game, continue to learn to distinguish the items in size.

Fasten the skills of children to select the object in color and magnitude. Develop tactile feelings of shallow hands. The formation of the ability to collect a picture of 4-6 parts

Forming the ability to classify objects in color, group items over shades.


"Cleaning game corners"

goal : To accomplish children to independently perform elementary labor orders.

Social personality.

Scene-role game"Go on a trip", "Family", "Drivers"

Goal: To maintain interest in children to new games, learning to develop the plot in joint activities with adults, to form the ability to make an imaginable situation. Development of the ability to play next to the peers. To generate the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar steps from one object to another. Develop interest K. various types games. Help children, unite for a group of 2-3 people based on personal sympathies.

Game Situation "Bus Driver"

Goal: Teach children negotiate the game, take on different roles, use their knowledge and experience in the game.


Respiratory gymnastics "Motor", "like a buzzer". Finger games: "Airplane", "Boat", "Steamer".

Goal: Develop a fine motility to finger hands, develop memory.

Movable game:

"Airplane", "Bus", "Garage", "Lightforward", "train", "Girls and a car", "we are going, we are going on the car", "Building preparation".

Goal: Develop the speed of the reaction, the motor activity of childrenDevelop the desire for children to play mobile games that contribute to the improvement of major movements (walking, running, throwing, riding).

Objective environment.

Center book: Books with illustrations, pictures.

Center for plot and didactic games: Corner "Transport"

Creative Center: Coloring, Cutting Scissors, Plasticine.

Work with parents:

Consultation for parents "Getting acquainted with your professions"

"How to form a positive attitude to work in children of preschool age through familiarization with professions."

View telecast, cartoons about transport, drivers.

Creating pages "poems and riddles"

Help children in creating crafts, drawings.

Memorizing poems.

The result of the project: Children call various professions, including the profession of their parents, for which they need. Know that the plane controls the pilot train- driver, Ship-navigator, machine driver.


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Signatures for slides:

Pedagogical project "Acquaintance of children with a professional driver" in the second youngest group number 12

Creative project on the topic "Acquaintance of children with a professional driver" prepared: Platonova N.G, Akhmedova G. M.

Information card project. The full name of the project: "Acquaintance of children of the second younger group in kindergarten with a professional profession." The authors of the project: Platonova N. G., Ahmedova G. M., educators of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 94 "Soynech" of Nizhnekamsk. Duration of the project: Long-term 2015-2016 uch. year. Project type in quantity: group. Project participants: teachers, children, parents. Problem: Not enough knowledge about the professional driver. Project goal: expand and consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe profession driver, its meaning.

The relevance of the chosen topic is that preschool children know very little about professions, do not realize the social significance, the value of the profession, do not distinguish the result of labor. Children underdeveloped a dictionary of professional vocabulary associated with the description of the professions. Work on this project will help to form in children the concept of "Profession Driver", will expand the knowledge of children about the appointment of transport. The ideas about the professions in a child of 4 years are limited to his so far poor life experience - the work of mom and dad, teacher in kindergarten, police officer, seller, but these also familiar familiar professions, as a rule, are not very superficially. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human classes is the most important link of the social adaptation of the child. Thus, the formation of ideas of preschoolers about the world of labor and professions is the necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

Tasks: Expand the knowledge of children about the profession driver. Introduce children with different types of transport. Develop the ability to understand the words: transport, pedestrian, traffic light, zebra. To form the ability to dialogue with the educator: Listen and understand asked question, respond to it. Contribute to the emergence of plot games. Develop the skills of the productive activities of children (drawing, modeling, applique). Teach children by the rules of safe behavior on the road, in transport.

Expected results of the project implementation Pedagogue: implementation in the group educational process According to the designated problem. Improving the subject-developing environment. Children: enrichment of knowledge and ideas about different types of transport. Formation of a valid attitude towards transport drivers. Expansion of the vocabulary of children. Parents: Attracting parents to participate in pedagogical process Groups. Preparation of the exhibition of crafts on the topic "We are going, we are going .."

Stages of project implementation

Stage I. PREPARATORY. Selection of methodical literature and manuals Selection of artistic, children's literature Selection of riddles about the profession driver, transport selection of poems about the profession Driver Selection of didactic and board games Attributes to plot players Selection of cars different sizes Selection of material for artistic creativity Creating an object

Stage II. MAIN. Work on educational areas Cognitive development of the conversation: "For which a person needs transport," who is controlled by ", the rules of behavior on the street", "the rules of behavior in transport", "where my dad works"

Designing "Carriages"

Speech Development Gaying and drawing up mysteries on the topic "Profession Driver" viewing illustrations Explosing poems viewing photos, reproductions, illustration Reading poems about the driver, traffic lighting, pedestrian crossing

Socio-Communicative, Physical Development Moving Games, Scene Role Playing, Dramatization Games

Artistic creativity

III stage. FINAL. Summing up the work done by the work of monitoring to identify the level of knowledge of knowledge on the topic Presentation of the project "Meet the driver's Profession"

Interaction with parents Familiarization with the topic of project Consultation for parents "Recommendations to parents about traffic rules" Registration of a parental corner on the theme: "Road Rules", "Memo for an adult pedestrian-parent", "Caution road", "Red, Yellow, Green" exhibitions Children's creativity Exhibition of models of transport by the hands of parents together with children Attracting parents in the manufacture of attributes to the game "Chauffeys"

Exhibition of models of cars made by the hands of parents together with children

Conclusion The project "Acquaintance with the Profession Driver" is an attempt to solve the actual issue. For this purpose, conditions were created for the versatile development of a preschooler through the competent construction of the pedagogical process in the Du. As a result of the organization of integrated species educational regions Children have expanded and enriched knowledge about the professional driver, different types of transport, rules of behavior on the road, in public transport. The vocabulary of children expanded. Parents took an active part in the pedagogical process of the Group and the organization of the exhibition of transport models with their own hands, as well as in the design of a photo exhibition on a given topic.

We thank you for your attention!

Profession The driver is one of the most sought-after in many countries. The development of transport infrastructure improves requirements for drivers, their professional qualities. The choice of this profession implies not only readiness to carry out driving vehicle Many hours, but also the presence of some professional qualities that will help become a master of their business.

Profession driver. Description and features

The driver is a worker who controls a specific vehicle and has a driver's license with the relevant open categories. The driver is needed in many and production, so finding a job as a specialist in this area is easy. Large companies have their own car park and hire drivers for permanent passenger and freight traffic. Profession The driver of the car is most in demand in taksoparks, which are available in every city.

In addition to passenger cars, drivers are controlled by trolley buses, trams, buses, special equipment, etc. distinguish transport for passenger traffic, cargo transportation and performing other tasks. But whatever the vehicle does not rule the driver, it is always responsible for the safety of transported goods and the life of passengers. In order to become a driver of a specific vehicle, it is necessary to have rights that confirm the ability to manage this tool.

Categories of driver's licenses

To control the motorcycle, a driver's license with the open category A. The presence in the Category A certification indicates that the driver can control two-wheeled transport, as well as a motorcycle with a carriage, whose weight in complete equipment does not exceed 400 kg. In this category, the opening of which makes it possible to manage motorcycle models with a small engine volume.

Category B - this carsthat have up to eight passenger places and a mass of up to 3,500 kg. The presence of this category suggests that the driver is allowed to drive a car with a small trailer (up to 750 kg) or a total mass with a total mass not exceeding three and a half tons. To manage a car with a heavy trailer, the driver must have a category Be.

To control the cargo machine, it is necessary to have an open category C. These vehicles include trucks weighing over 3.5 tons, including with a small trailer. To control a truck with a heavy trailer, you must have an additional category CE. Also in category C release C1 and C1E subcategory. The opening of the C1 subcategory allows you to control the freight machines in the weight range of 3.5-7.5 tons. C1E subcategories include trucks With a heavy trailer, the mass of which exceeds 750 kg, provided that the total mass of the entire composition is no more than twelve tons.

Category D The driver's license suggests that the driver can carry out passenger transportation, including transport with a low-handed trailer. These funds include buses and route taxi, the number of passenger seats of which does not exceed eight people. The ability to manage bus and minibus with a trailer, the mass of which is over 750 kg, gives the category DE. Eliminate subcategories D1, which allows you to control transport that have from 9 to 16 passenger seats, including with a small trailer. To manage transport related to category D1, but with a heavy trailer, you must open the category D1E.

Category E. this moment excluded from driver's licenses. It was replaced by the categories described above, for example BE, DE or CE. Category E driver can control transport with heavy trailers (more than 750 kg). According to the new rules, he needs to exchange his certificate for a new one. There are two options for replacing the certificate. If the driver of category E has opened it until 01.01.2001, the new certificate will contain all the previously open categories with the E. Prefix in case of receipt of the category E after this date, only those categories for which the exams were passed to the certificate. New rules created categories for drivers of trolley buses and trams.

Requirements for drivers

Profession The driver implies the presence of certain personal qualities and medical testimony in person in order to become a professional.

Care and caution on the road helps to react to a dangerous situation that can lead to difficult consequences. In addition, the driver must have a good memory, as it is necessary to navigate in a large number of road signs.

The medical testimony for drivers belongs: good vision, lack of diseases accompanied by involuntary movements, mental health.

Driver duties

Depending on the place of work and the type of managed vehicle, the personal driver relates to home personnel and, in addition to managing transport, its responsibilities most often include the content in the purity of the car and maintain its serviceability.

The profession implies except passenger traffic, the transport of their baggage. Usually the bus has an approved route to which the driver must steadily follow. The tram driver or trolleybus should be able to check the vehicle status and eliminate the elementary malfunctions.

How to become a driver?

Profession The driver implies the presence of special education. It can be obtained on driving courses, after which, after passing the exam, a driver's license with open categories is issued. Such courses are included in some educational programs of universities and medium-technical institutions. The presence does not talk about the professionalism of the worker. In this profession, the experience of work plays great importance, because many skills come with the number of hours spent driving.


The driver's salary depends on the enterprise where it works as well as from the schedule and the number of hours of operation. The most in this area is the personal driver, since the personnel salary here strongly depends on the possibilities of the employer and the driver provided by the driver. The bus on average is 50,000 rubles, trolleybus or tram - about 40,000 rubles.

The salary of drivers of vehicles intended for freight traffic depends greatly on the policy of the enterprise. In a particular way, the driver can earn more, but the work in the enterprise is distinguished by stable payments, which for some is a weighty argument.

DriverIn general, it is a vehicle management specialist. The latter can be passenger, freight or even special equipment. He also has knowledge and skills to maintain a car, repair it in a timely manner when problems appear (or in a timely manner delivers the car in service center), strictly complies with safety and traffic rules. The driver can also perform additional responsibilities (for example, on loading and unloading). Profession refers to the category "Technique". The profession is suitable for those who have no interests for school subjects (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description: Who is the driver?

The driver is a very common and ever-demand profession. There are a lot of her varieties. So, the driver can be a freight forwarder, courier, a taxi driver, a guard, he can engage in international cargo transportation, and so on. Accordingly, for employment, the driver's vacancy is needed by the rights of the relevant category, driving experience and the availability of skills corresponding to the specifics of the proposed position. The driver is responsible for the health of passengers and / or the safety of goods, so he must be able to make the right decisions in emergency situations.

Features of the profession

The duties of the driver, as already noted, are reduced not only to the delivery of passengers or cargo from the point "A" to the item "b". Such a specialist is also responsible for the health of the vehicle, for compliance with all transport rules, and even for filling out the reporting documentation. The main volume of work lying on the shoulders of drivers, comes down to the following:

  • Checking the availability of fuel and oil, the serviceability of the mechanisms of the machine and the electrical equipment system before departure.
  • Conducting regular maintenance vehicle (in addition to inspection before departure, refueling fuel, oil change, washing, timely troubleshooting).
  • Direct execution of freight or passenger traffic.
  • Registration of documents regulating the transport process.
  • Effective resolution of any difficult situations arising in the driving process.
  • Providing first aid victims as a result of an accident.
  • Planning and organizing work on the maintenance of vehicles.
  • Quality control of the car repair work.

Generally accepted ideas about who is such a driver, sometimes disagree with the real position of things in specific positions. For example, some specialists also participate in planning the work of the logistics department, organize labor work when carrying out traffic, use modern IT products to manage transportation processes, and so on.

Pros and disadvantages of the driver's profession


  1. Ability to travel to different cities and countries.
  2. No need for long-term learning.
  3. Applicability of professional skills in ordinary life.
  4. A large number of vacancies in the labor market.


  1. Responsibility for passengers and cargo.
  2. Irregular working hours.
  3. Frequently often - not the most comfortable working conditions (for example, in the cold season).
  4. Not always high wages.

Important personal qualities

Driver's training should begin if you are confident in your responsibility, stress resistance, hard work, as well as the ability to maintain a concentration for a long time. It does not hurt and the ability to understand the technique, good spatial imagination, the ability to quickly switch attention and make weighted solutions in emergency situations, excellent facilitation abilities on the ground. Also, emotional stability and sociability is important for the driver, since it inevitably have to interact with a large number of people.

Training at the driver

There are enough options for where to get the driver's profession. In fact, it can be any driving schools, as well as organizations conductive training and internship for future employees. Education as such for this specialty is not necessary (with the exception of the base, of course).

At the same time, the scenery and universities for drivers still exist. Thus, in the context of secondary special education, it is possible to note the profile "Organization of transport and management in transport" (code 23.02.01), in the context of the highest - the specialty "Ground transport and technological means by profile: cars and tractors" (code 23.05.01). But they are more suitable for those who want to be not just a driver, but also, for example, to participate in the organization of transportation, personnel management, repair work. Otherwise, enough rights and experience, and find out where to learn to the driver additionally, there is no need.


Driving schools

We will not give examples of specific driving schools, since their number in any city is large enough. The main thing is to choose the one of them, which teaches driving to pass the exam for the category you need.

Top Discover For Drivers

  1. Madk them. A.A. Nikolaev
  2. Frame number 26.
  4. Kguumrf them. Admiral S.O. Makarova

Place of work

Drivers are needed in almost any organization, which, one way or another, transports any loads or is needed in passenger traffic. In other words, we are talking almost about any modern company. Drivers can also work taxi drivers or provide their services to one specific client.

Salary of driver

The level of income of such a specialist depends on the place of its employment. If desired, the driver will always be able to provide a worthy level of salary, especially when working in international directions.

Salary at 09.01.2020

Moscow 60000-200000 ₽


Features of career growth also depend on where the driver works. It can strive to receive leadership positions, or open its own organization (logistics, transport, providing services of personal drivers, and so on).

Professional knowledge

  1. Road safety rules.
  2. Maintenance and repair of vehicles.
  3. Electronics and electrical engineering.
  4. Vehicle device.
  5. Collective management.
  6. Safety in the organization of the process of transporting goods.

Famous drivers

  1. Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 legend. He still remains a record holder in the number of victories in the world famous Grand Prix, and his name has become nominative.
  2. Lewis Hamilton, five-time world champion "Formula 1" and the author of many records.

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